Apex Legends: Four best gun combos after patch v1.1.1

Những bộ combo súng trong Apex Legends

The Apex Legends v1.1.1 update on April 16 brought buffs and nerfs to many weapons, including some of the best guns at the time.

The buffed guns include all sniper rifles, especially the Longbow DMR and Havoc energy rifle. Meanwhile, Wingman and Spitfire are nerfed.

Since then, YouTuber QuakeV has compiled a video listing the four best gun combos to use after the update, explaining why he chose them over the others.

Of course, these combos are strong in QuakeV’s own opinion, and you may not agree with him and choose for yourself other couples.

The four strongest gun pairs in Apex Legends

1. Longbow DMR and R-99

r 99 apex legends best weapons l - Emergenceingame
Not too surprising when R-99 appeared in 2 of the 4 top gun combos. It is considered the most powerful gun in the game right now

With all the buffs Longbow received in patch v1.1.1, it becomes one of the most powerful guns in the game. Combined with the R-99, the gun considered by some to be the most powerful today, will help unleash the potential of this combo.

2. Peacekeeper and R-301

Despite not getting any buffs or nerfs, the Peacekeeper is still one of the most powerful guns in the game. With terrible damage at close range combined with the strong mid-range shooting ability of the R-301, sometimes even long-range, making them an indispensable duo.

3. Havok (with Turbocharger) and Peacekeeper

Havok becomes more powerful after the update when combined with Turbocharger. Like the previous combo, Havoc combined with Peacekeeper can create a reliable duo.

4. R-99 and R-301

These 2 weapons were not affected in the last update, which is why they are both in the top-tier of Apex Legends. With the ability to break through at close range from the R-99 and shoot down mid-range opponents at long range with the R-301, this is a combo for gamers who like to play actively.

Why no Wingman or Spitfire?

Notably, the list of top 4 combos does not have Wingman and Spitfire – these two guns were considered the most powerful before the v1.1.1 update.

In the video, the YouTuber explains that these two guns are nerfed so much that they are no longer favored as before, especially the Wingman. That’s why they’re not in the top-tier.

However, they are still powerful weapons and players should not be too shy to pick them up. They can still play into the early, mid, and even late game.

According to Dexetor

Source link: Apex Legends: Four best gun combos after patch v1.1.1
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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