Access blocked blog with Ultrasurf, access blocked blog

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Ultrasurf is software that allows users to access blocked social networks, websites, blogs quickly and conveniently.

Ultrasuft is a software that allows users to connect to websites that are blocked by country regions, as well as social networks, blogs that are blocked by network operators quickly and conveniently. Blocking with Ultrasuft Similarly, Hotspot Shield allows users to connect to blocked addresses on the Internet and is safe and secure for users.

How to enter the blog to subscribe to ultrasurf

With Hotspot Shield We do not need to be afraid when bad guys take advantage of the access to steal user information. To use it effectively, you should turn off the VPN function on Hotspot Shield when not in use.

Instructions on how to turn off the VPN function on Hotspot Shield is one of the tips that has guided you before. Today in this article continues to guide you how to access Blocked Blog with Ultrasurf

Instructions for Entering Blocked Blogs with Ultrasurf

You need to download Ultrasurf to your computer: Download Ultrasurf

Step 1: Start the file u1504.exe just downloaded successfully.

go to the blog to talk about ultrasurf

Step 2: Run Ultrasurf, wait a few seconds, until the status shows: Succesfully connected to sever!, so we have successfully connected to Ultrasurf’s server

how to enter the blog of ultrasurf

Step 3: Access to the blocked blog again, you will see that the access is successful.

Welcome to the ultrasurf blog

So we have succeeded in accessing the blocked Blog with Ultrasurf already.

To turn off Ultrasurf when not in use, do the following:

Step 4: To turn off Ultrasurf we open the system tray, right-click the Ultrasurf icon and select Exit

access to the blog bi chan bang ultrasurf

Step 5: Select Close IE and Exit to exit the program and close the IE browser that is started when opening the program

access to the ultrasurf blog

So we have succeeded in using Ultrasurf to log in to the blog when blocked as well as turn off Ultrasurf when not in use.

If when using Ultrasurf, you accidentally cannot access the Internet after turning off Ultrasurf. You can refer to the article Fix the error of not being able to access the Internet after turning off Ultrasurf to fix it.

One of UltraSurf’s rival software, Hotspot Shield, will also help you access blog sites easily. Like other firewall bypass software, Hotspot Shield provides users with the ability to Facebook is blocked with Hotspot shield easily.

However, many users do not even need to use Hotspot Shield to be able to access blocked Facebook with a cup. Instead, they just use Coc Coc to solve this problem.
There are advantages and disadvantages between Hotstpost Shield and Ultrasurf software. However, to know which software is most suitable for the purpose of use, you can refer to the article Compare Hotstpost Shield and Ultrasurf was introduced by

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Source link: Access blocked blog with Ultrasurf, access blocked blog

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