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Mobilizing hundreds of employees, BioWare ambitions to “makeover” the worst bomb in history

It’s a name that is expected to be a big blockbuster but Anthem quickly made the gamers extremely disappointed. The ultimate graphics platform still can’t stand the serious shortcomings in both gameplay and content. Although the game still receives updates, the situation is still not much better. For old players, it is not convincing enough for them to return, and for new players, the attractiveness also diminishes. However, despite all that, BioWare determined not to let Anthem fall into a black hole, it is likely that in the near future there will be a “great restoration” that will completely change the appearance of this historic bomb.


According to Kotaku’s report, BioWare is planning to “take a step back to take two steps forward”, which means the company will probably stop updating the game completely in the near future in preparation for a “major overhaul”, which is known. such as “Anthem 2.0” or “Anthem Next”. However, this is only the initial plan, and the specific plan or level of “renovation” is still unknown.

Looking back on the past, many bombs have successfully “revived” like No Man’s Sky thanks to the release of quality updates that have gradually regained the trust of gamers, Destiny caused a fever with the Taken King expansion. or Final Fantasy 14 has been completely remade after failure in 2010. Anthem can also follow one of the above development directions and make a successful makeover if lucky.


Although BioWare still has no specific plans, but according to Kotaku, Anthem is still one of the focus of this company’s development. Reportedly, BioWare is mobilizing “dozens, even hundreds” of developers from its two studios in Edmonton and Austin to carry out this overhaul. This is probably good news for fans because now, at least there is reason to hope for a completely new Anthem in the future. Whether BioWare succeeds or continues to disappoint gamers, we can only wait.

Source link: Mobilizing hundreds of employees, BioWare ambitions to “makeover” the worst bomb in history
– Emergenceingames.com

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