9 wishes of gamers for this game

9 wishes of gamers for this game

Even in the Early Access stage, PUBG has beaten Dota 2 to become the game with the highest number of concurrent players at the moment with 1.3 million players. PUBG has taken a step beyond that, bolstered by updates that have somewhat reduced bugs and made the game more complete. The developer even added weather to the game, improved the movement system, and optimized configuration support. Here is what PCgamer sums up that gamers expect to see in PUBG.

More figures

Every match in PUBG is a story, and even better if the game can capture those moments. I want to see how long I survived, how much time I spent hiding in the bushes, how many people I killed. I want the map to show the locations where there are many confrontations, I want to know which location on the map will be the place where the most gamers will gather and it would be useful to have these functions.

Optimize and optimize


This is always the pain of the game and PUBG is no exception. Just recently Bluehole announced a path they plan to take for this battle royale game, which will largely focus on optimizing the graphics and that’s extremely welcome. In my opinion, the game works too well even in the Early Access stage, but I am still looking forward to a complete optimization in terms of graphics this month. In big cities fps can drop and this can turn the game into a slideshow of images.

And now many streamers I see they have their graphics settings as low as possible to avoid possible graphics errors. That’s sad for PUBG when the game looks pretty good. I know that Bluehole’s main goal right now is to be optimal and I hope that they will continue to do this with weekly and monthly updates. Since the game was released, there have been many configuration optimization updates, but there are still gamers who suffer from such errors.

Night mode

Adding a night mode to the game is what I’m most looking forward to. With a rain and fog system to reduce visibility, imagine how difficult it would be if it was at night. This will make it more dramatic, tense and unexpected many times, the sound of passing traffic, the boom areas, the flashes will create light that illuminates an area in a certain time. making it exciting and scary because you don’t know where the other person is. I think the game will also add new accessories for guns like infrared scopes but it will probably be quite rare to find.

Melee mode

How will you feel if you play PUBG with only 2 fists or melee weapons? The feeling of 100 people running around the map just to play the game is quite interesting and above all, fun. When things like houses, bushes, and huts make you check everywhere, I tell you the truth, no one wants to be sneaked behind by a pan. And it will be more fun when the players are fighting each other at the end of the game, it’s really chaotic and fun.


It’s really frustrating to be killed without knowing why, especially so close to victory with only a few players left. Everyone is curious, they all want to know where they did wrong to pay for their lives. At the same time, I also think that the team tracking mode in PUBG is quite cheating when it can see almost everything around, and because of this, gamers can provide information about their location. other gamers for their teammates.

I feel that the killcam feature is a must have, I am always curious where my enemies hide to kill me, it will help me a lot in the future to be able to gain experience and learn from gamers. there. What’s better than learning from the mistake you made, and it will also make you discover who is using the hack in the game along with some evidence to report that gamer.

Tool for spectator mode

Tracking gamers in battle royale games is extremely difficult when you have to keep track of nearly all the players in the match. Surely you will lose a lot of dramatic scenes as well as highlights of gamers, this is not an easy thing for PUBG caster. This will be easier if playing with squad mode but extremely difficult for solo mode. I know that this will benefit Stream Sniping gamers what they need if PUBG wants to develop in the direction of Esport.

Better sound-based navigation system

FirsthandHonorableLark - EmergenceingameMy biggest weakness is aim, my aim is pretty bad. Especially when shooting at long distances, I have another problem that it is difficult to distinguish where the gunfire is. Bluehole recently explained how gun sounds work in PUBG, but in my experience even though I know what gun sound is, it’s still difficult to know where it’s fired.

Many times I looked for cover when I was shot but kept getting shot because they weren’t where I thought they were based on the gunfire. And I also see these cases happen to the gamers that I shoot. Like in the video I shot a gamer hiding on the left side of the tree and he thought I shot him from the left and hid to the right. And I know that feeling is very frustrating because I don’t know exactly where I was shot even though I hear gunfire.

Balanced sound system

This is a problem that occurs in Early Access titles. I can hear the footsteps of other gamers if they are in the house with me, but it’s hard to hear the door opening even within walking distance, so the door opening needs to be adjusted. Sometimes the footsteps outside can be heard very loudly even from a distance.

I have to admit that the sound of rain is very real even during storms and completely natural. But it’s too noisy and this is the problem. I can’t play the game for 20 minutes with this noise, not to mention that I can’t hear the footsteps or cars, the gunfire of other gamers. This makes me out of the game if it’s rainy weather.

Better swimming mechanics

Admittedly, swimming is extremely difficult for someone with a helmet on their head, a backpack on their back, and three guns and grenades on their shoulders. And it is quite simple and easy in PUBG

It’s pretty bad, especially gamers are invulnerable when underwater because they can’t get bullets if they’re underwater. This is what makes the strategy of hiding under water extremely boring. Besides, it’s extremely sleepy when you have to swim across a river even if it’s short.

Source: pcgamer

Source link: 9 wishes of gamers for this game
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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