8 card games better than Hearthstone

8 card games better than Hearthstone

Hearthstone is considered a great game to breathe life into the PC card game market, but it seems that things are changing towards a series of adjustments that have angered players. And when that happens, other card games will benefit.

We’re in the heyday of card games (CCGs) on PC, and the market is full of games for you to try. The list of good and free card games in the card is very ‘generous’ to new players, when compared to Hearthstone.

Also, single-player card games like Slay the Spire and Monster Train are equally good. You can also check out Sentinels of the Multiverse, Card Hunter, Cardpocalypse and Griftlands if you want to learn more about CCG games.

However, this list does list eight CCG games that are fun to play and different from Hearthstone, worth your while.

Magic: The Gathering Arena

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If you’re contemplating playing a CCG game, why don’t you check out this great card game originator? After years of trying to keep up with the real-life card game, Magic: The Gathering Arena is now grown up and better. It’s more complicated than Hearthstone, but that’s what creates unexpected combos and popular flips in the game.

Legends of Runeterra

Legends of Runeterra - Emergenceingame

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A spin-off in the League of Legends universe that turns the game’s MOBA champions into powerful cards, adapting their playstyle to the CCG. The game has a more active gameplay when the summoned characters will attack immediately instead of waiting for a traditional turn. The interesting part of the game is Oracle’s Eye, a feature that allows you to see the state of the table in the future after a period of attack or cast spells.

What makes people really like Legends of Runeterra is the generous reward system.

Infinity Wars: Animated Trading Card Game

Infinity Wars Animated Trading Card Game - Emergenceingame

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Having nothing to do with the Avengers, Infinity Wars is a CCG card game with the same combat mechanics as Hearthstone but the turns in the game happen at the same time, the good thing is that you won’t have to wait for the ‘ropes to burn’. Infinity Wars also adds depth that allows you to switch troops between regions. Players can order troops in the offensive zone to attack, or against the stronger pieces in the defensive zone if they suspect the opponent is about to launch something powerful on the table.

Although the voice acting is really bad, the card effects are completely cool in the game, mixing fantasy and sci-fi.


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Faeria takes place on an empty hexagonal board. Each turn, the player can place ‘plots’ on the hexagon to expand the territory. You must fight to control the pieces on the table before attacking the opponent. Some ‘lands’ have special terrain, such as rivers and forests, that require summoning creatures of a special group similar to Magic: The Gathering. The good thing about Faeria card game is that you fight to control tactical positions instead of just placing cards on the table and ‘face’ the opponent.

Once free, but now Faeria is sold. Even so, the game is still worth buying with a very interesting single-player campaign.


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The only and best World War II themed card game on this list. Kards took that theme to adapt traditional mechanics in CCG with ideas like frontline and logistics. The game is very realistic, because the cards and campaigns are all based on real historical events, designed to make you feel like you are playing a board game instead of CCG on Steam.


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Gwent is nothing like Hearthstone and has nothing to do with Magic: The Gathering. It plays in the form of ‘trick the opponent’ and gives cards at the right time. Each match is three rounds. The goal is to try to finish each round with a higher score than your opponent (win win two rounds).

Although the original source was a minigame in The Witcher 3, the Gwent card game was created by the developer to be a better version, completely different from what took place in the original. Now with more depth. Players can confront decks using from soldiers, to ships, siege weapons, to help the mandarins work more effectively, or monsters that deal damage evenly to opponents to increase damage. me. The cards look very nice, especially the effects of the premium cards.


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Enternal looks and feels a lot like Hearthstone, but the difference lies in the ‘instant’ cards, which can be used during your opponent’s turn, mana cards with a distinct color for each group of cards, decks that blend any group which piece and declare which minion will attack so that the opponent chooses the piece to block that attack. The main point here is that the card game Eternal controls everything faster and better than most other digital CCG games. The game also has a great draft mode, allowing you to draft a deck from four card packs in your collection.

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Although The Elder Scrolls: Legends is in hiatus, the game is still worth checking out. By separating gameplay into two separate lane mechanics, The Elder Scrolls: Legends becomes more complex but not as headache-inducing as Artifact. The rune system – giving the player an extra card for every 5 health lost – keeps the reversal process alive.

The context in the game is also a big plus. Later expansions add cards themed around the Elder Scrolls, such as the Isle of Madness and the Shiving Isles cards that split when drawn. The game also features a single-player campaign, a must-have for RPG fans.

You can see some more articles at the link below:

Source link: 8 card games better than Hearthstone
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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