7 tips to help you get out of rank 2-4k in Dota 2

7 tips to help you get out of rank 2-4k in Dota 2

The translated article is from Redditor xuisoko’s guide.

This tutorial will focus on game mechanics (mechanic), other sections will talk about skill building, standing position, psychology, moving around the map, strategy.

You can visit his YouTube channel to learn more.

Interesting information: Did you know that people 200mmr than you usually have a 55% win rate against you? Many mechanics like “Camera movement”, “Directional Movement”, “Hero Movement” are ignored by most players.

A 5% improvement in gameplay will usually result in a 200mmr increase in the long run. So, small improvements like camera controls, heroes, mentality, etc., play a big part in esports, specifically Dota 2.

Here are 7 tips you can improve to climb the ranks effectively:

There are two advantages when you are spamming only one hero (playing a single hero for a long time):

One is that it frees up “RAM” for your brain. Our brain works like a computer. By spamming only one hero, you can play that hero so well that you don’t have to think about it when deciding whether or not the Void should actively cast Time Walk. The body will respond naturally. Or when to cast shackle or hex first on Shadow Shaman. If you’re a one-hero savvy gamer, you’ll have plenty of brain RAM for important decisions like teamfight placement and strategy. Everyone should understand “Limited human strength”. That’s why pro players always have a hero in their closet, so they can focus on other important things in the game.

Two, each hero teaches us something different. While spamming 100 Alchemist games continuously, I realized how to farm efficiently and in better farming directions, as well as play proactively in lane to win CS (creep score, ie the number of creeps killed). As you play Storm, you learn how to consume mana and use the hero’s spells and limits. Playing heroes like Abaddon or Vengeful Spirit helps the player choose the position and be careful to cast spells to counter the opponent. Must say everything is almost endless.

Realize where you’re playing poorly and play that hero to fix this. You will surely get good results. There are many ways to realize where you are bad. You can see more in my video.


Communication is the key to success. Team with Dazzle? Or are you Huskar, Drow or Gyro? Are you the “win condition” of the team (the key to winning the match)? If so, tell Dazzle to keep Grave to save you and not use it on position 4 unless absolutely necessary. Be sure to communicate your thoughts with your teammates.

Dress up. Team up to 4 Urn of Shadows, 2 Vladmir Offerings and 3 Dessolators? I also witnessed 2 Meks and 2 Pipes at the same time. Remember to communicate with each other to know who will be able to defeat the super-buff Bristleback/Timbersaw, if the team doesn’t have a hero to counter them. Surely the team will need more than just Vessel.

Power spike and cooldown. Take advantage of the power spike (when a hero is extremely strong). Don’t try to teamfight if you know the team is still not strong. I play Void a lot and my teammates always want to fight, then die even though Void doesn’t have Chronosphere. Tell the team that you don’t want to fight without Chrono.

Faceless void - Emergenceingame
Void is dangerous when Chronosphere is always ready to use

Camera Grip (hold the mouse to move the camera, like how to move the screen when using a smartphone) is superior to Edge Pan (move to the corners of the screen to move the camera). If you don’t know what they are, watch the video at 5:30. (click the video below to watch)


Practically speaking most pro players combine both Edge Pan and Camera Grip. I followed and it helped me climb from 5k to 6k.

When chasing the opponent in the teamfights on the same side, almost pro use Edge Pan. While in other cases they use Camera Grip.

You can use the middle mouse wheel (Mouse 3) for the Camera Grip, and I myself use the extra mouse button.

Camera Grip Dota 2 - Emergenceingame

Do you play Slark, Shadow Fiend or simply want to cast Force Staff where you want to use it? Don’t worry, Directional Movement was created for this purpose. Although this knowledge is quite common, but a lot of 2k-3k-4k gamers don’t know what it is and how to use it.

This is a command that allows the hero to try to navigate to the shortest distance at the location of the mouse click. For example, if you click on the other side of the hill, the hero will hit the hill facing the direction you are clicking and stand there, instead of going around the trees to get over the hill.

Directional Movement Dota 2 - Emergenceingame

If you follow a lot of Arteezy streams, you will see that he always clicks right next to his hero. RTZ has a reason to do it. If you place the mouse pointer 50-100 units in front of the hero while moving, you have better control over the direction of the hero’s gaze and easily show how the hero chooses a path near trees and dangerous places like Mines (mines). , Spark Wraith, Dark Willow’s trap.

Once you have mastered this skill, you can exploit the turn rate of your opponent and completely destroy them by casting in the right position.

Have you ever jumped on a hero and instantly got Hex? Even if they use hacks and scripts, but if blink is on the hero’s back, you can still move faster and stun first.

In the video, I experiment with Shadow Shaman and Lion. When Lion blinks in front of the Shadow Shaman, Lion is hexed first, but when blinks behind, Shadow Shaman is hexed first. Thanks to that, you can kill the opponent and win the game.

Hex Dota 2 Lion - Emergenceingame

Supports must master Creep Aggro (attracts creeps’ attention), Tower Aggro and cores must also know. This will help you know how to choose the right standing position during the laning phase.

Creep Aggro shouts when enemy creeps stop attacking team creeps and switch to attacking heroes. This happens when the hero you click attacks (hits) the enemy hero. This action forces the creeps to turn to attack you. That way, it will help pull the creeps in the direction they want. Whereas Tower Aggro is when you’re on an enemy turret and getting hit by a turret, clicking on your creeps will force the enemy turret to change its attack target (change from your hero to a creep).

Source: Reddit

You can read more related Dota 2 Tutorials below:

Source link: 7 tips to help you get out of rank 2-4k in Dota 2
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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