7 games that made the name of Telltale Games

7 games that made the name of Telltale Games

Unfortunately, it seems that Telltale Games – the developer behind The Walking Dead: The Final Season – will be shutting down, as they have just laid off most of their employees. Those are the people who make beautiful worlds and great storylines. In tribute to Telltale Games, here’s the studio’s list of games that deserve to be played through.

Telltale was founded in 2004 and has developed over 30 adventure games. These titles feature memorable characters like Clementine from The Walking Dead, Rhys from Tales from the Borderlands as well as familiar characters like Wallace and Gromit. Here are the best games developed by Telltale Games.

Wallace Gromit’s Grand Adventures - Emergenceingame

When the game was first released to very positive reviews, players will control both Wallace and Gromit in the story for all ages. The interactive world of West Wallaby Street is considered the highlight of Telltale and all worlds designed by the studio. The game is a testament to its ability to build worlds and storytelling, as well as develop familiar characters. However, those who want to give the game a try will not be able to purchase it as Telltale’s publishing rights expired in 2014. Either way, those who have purchased the game before can go back and reminisce. memories.

Tales from the Borderlands - Emergenceingame

Tales from the Borderlands takes players on the wild journeys of Rhys, an employee of Hyperion, and Fiona, the artist of deception. Praised for its strong character, humorous and emotional storytelling, the title fits the world of Pandora set in the aftermath of Borderlands 2. Flashbacks and storylines are told by Rhys and Fiona all the way to the captor. The mystery gives the game one of the best storylines ever written by Telltale. However, the revenue of the game was not too high, so the sequel was never put on the planning table.

Sam Max Beyond Time and Space - Emergenceingame

Sam and Max: Beyond Time and Space has received rave reviews and features more animated NPCs, an updated engine with hints, realistic animations, and more minigames than the previous Telltale. This time, Telltale shows the ability to add unimaginable elements like the goldfish killer and the killer Santa in a way that surprises and enthralls the player.

The Walking Dead - Emergenceingame

For some reason, this series has had a special place in the hearts of fans. Introduced in season 1, players watch Clementine grow from a child protected by Lee to a teacher for young AJ in The Final Season. Following this character through chapters, season after season is quite special. The Final Season isn’t about ending the entire series, but just Clementine’s story, and the studio promised previous players four more chapters about her before the character’s backstory ends. But no one expected that Clementine’s plot would be canceled, making fans regret this masterpiece.

The Walking Dead Final Season Canceled After Telltale Cuts Staff

Minecraft Story Mode - Emergenceingame

The unique Minecraft Story Mode combines the construction and mechanics of Minecraft with a story revolving around the character Jeese. The game keeps us emotionally charged while maintaining the friendly, fun atmosphere that Minecraft fans know. This title exemplifies the possibility of taking a pre-made world and giving it a unique, powerful storyline.

The Wolf Among Us - Emergenceingame

Based on Bill Willingham’s Fables comic book series, The Wolf Among Us puts players in the role of Bigby Wolf. Many people like the unconventional approach to fairy tales like Snow White, The Three Little Pigs, and Beauty and the Beast. Many people enjoy the game so much that they become big fans of the game. Of course, the community was very much looking forward to seeing the sequel – delayed to 2019 – but it looks like it will never be released again.

Tales of Monkey Island - Emergenceingame

Telltale has asserted itself in so many ways with Tales of Monkey Island. Under license from LucasArts, the game developed by the studio has been praised for its story, wit and character, with Guybrush being described as Telltale’s most powerful character to date. The game also received many awards and was the biggest commercial success until Back to the Future: The Game came out. It seems that Guybrush’s development has given Telltale enough tools to create even better characters in the future.

With Telltale Games now about to close, many people will look back and remember these titles. Obviously, the Telltale team has worked hard to create quality products with a unique approach.

The Walking Dead: Final Season, chapter 2, will launch on September 25 on Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4 and Xbox One, but there will be no further updates after that.

Source link: 7 games that made the name of Telltale Games
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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