7.11 advantage of 5 members ganking together

7.11 advantage of 5 members ganking together

One of the biggest changes in this update is that when the losing team gets a life on the other side, the amount of gold won no longer depends on the networth difference between the two teams. Now it just depends on networth, level and position of the killed person in the networth ranking (if the kill has the highest networth on their team, or second, etc.)

In addition, there is an exponential calculation for the opponent’s networth. In the early stages, this multiplier will change based on the number of heroes participating in the kill. Previously, for 1, 2, or 3 heroes, the multiplier would be 0.03375. For 4 heroes, the multiplier is 0.027 and for 5, the number is 0.02025. With the new mechanism, the multiplier is 0.026 for all combinations and does NOT CHANGE based on the number of heroes participating in that gank. That multiplier plays an important role in the gold reward in kills.

What does this tell us? It tells us that the multiplier of 1, 2, 3 or 4 heroes ganking will decrease but for 5 heroes this number is increased! In a simple way, the whole team participating in the gank will receive more gold than before (as long as they can get kills). In addition, with the previous system, the reward received for the team with a lower networth (less than 4000 way bie5t) will be much lower. The chart below will explain more clearly:

Teams with higher networth:
Hero with the highest networth on the team: Gyrocopter
Case 1: level 15, networth = 10000
Case 2: level 25, networth = 20000

Teams with lower networth:
Hero with the highest networth on the team: Morphling

If Morphing solo kills Gyrocopter, how much gold will this hero gain in the old update and in the new update? The chart below shows that if Gyrocopter has a higher level and networth, Morhpling will get more gold (old or new update doesn’t matter). The second interesting thing is that Morphling will get more gold in the new update IF the networth difference between the two teams is less than 3000. If the difference is beyond that, the gold is gained by killing the enemy hero solo. will decrease. Basically, the team that is weak will be at a disadvantage here. So where is the advantage?

Dota 2 7.11 lợi thế của việc 5 thành viên đi gank cùng nhau - Emergenceingame

The advantage only comes when the whole team of 5 has to gank together (as we saw above, the multiplier of ganking 5 people together has been raised). This is a great thing when it comes to encouraging the losing team to smoke, move together to find a location and finish the Gyrocopter. The chart shows that the difference is obvious, you will get more gold with this new mechanic. The amount of gold that the team receives will be divided equally between each player based on the amount of networth. The hero with the highest networth on the team will receive less gold and the hero with the lower networth will receive more gold.

Highest Networth – 14.67% of gold
Second highest networth – 16.57% of gold
Networth three – 19.05% of gold
High networth – 22.48% of gold
High networth – 27.24% of gold

Dota 2 7.11 lợi thế của việc 5 thành viên đi gank cùng nhau 2 - Emergenceingame

The current meta is focused on teamfights and the 5-member ganking fits well with the current meta of the vast majority of squads in recent tournaments. However, it is not clear how this will affect game duration. But networth difference doesn’t really play a role for comebacks (for teams with lower networth), it will be very beneficial for teams with slightly lower networth (eg 1k or 2k). This change has the potential to make matches closer. The netwoth chart will continuously jump up and down at 0.

In general, this change is to promote ganking 5 people instead of small ganks. Other changes also benefit teams that are extending the game (thanks to the buyback changes), making the game more competitive.

Source link: 7.11 advantage of 5 members ganking together
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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