500 best games of all time (120-101)

500 best games of all time (120-101)

<< Part 19

There are video games that only bring short moments of entertainment. As time passed, their names gradually sank into oblivion. But there are still games whose value will remain forever, always known to the world as symbols and milestones in the development of this type of entertainment. Those will be the games that we will introduce in the article series: 500 best games of all time, and this is a continuation of the previous part.

120. Device 6

(2013, iOS)

Device 6 could improve the typeface adventure game series. Often word-adventure games present themselves with lengthy plot lines, Device 6 presents text in ‘flexible’ dialogues – and plot takes unexpected turns. Device 6 is a breakthrough in storytelling and reinvents one of the oldest series in an unexpected way.

119. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

(2003, GameCube, other platforms)

Wind Waker takes the Zelda system to the next level. It has more depth, complexity, and allows the player to move the camera to counter enemies, giving the game a wider variety of content. Although the cartoon graphics were somewhat controversial at launch, the aesthetic in the game Wind Walker has attracted a lot of fans for a long time.

118. Mario Kart 8

(2014, Wii U, other platforms)

Introducing new in-game mechanics like gravity-free movement, Mario Kart 8 changes up the old but classic Mario Kart formula. With more impressive graphics than other versions, Mario Kart 8 also refined to make it an extremely outstanding racing game in this series.

117. Gunstar Heroes

(1993, Genesis, other platforms)

Gunstar Heroes - Emergenceingame

Smooth controls, elaborate boss fights, and the best graphics of its time, Gunstar is an innovative game and one of the most accomplished Sega Genesis games released.

116. Call of Duty 2

(2005, PC, Xbox 360, other systems)

call of duty 2 - Emergenceingame

Call of Duty 2 takes its predecessor’s blockbuster level and wartime soldier storyline to a new level of realism you’ve never seen in previous games. Considered the pinnacle of graphics, story and action in 2005, Call of Duty continues to spread the influence of this series on other first-person shooter games.

115. Bioshock

(2007, PC, Xbox 360, other systems)

BioShock is 11 years old? No one believes it. The underwater city quickly attracted players, causing them to search all the way to find out what horror had happened to this underwater world. With a complex plot about real human nature, BioShock gives us one of the most unforgettable experiences.

114. Herzog Zwei

(1990, Genesis)

herzog zwei - Emergenceingame

Herzog Zwei was one of the first real-time strategy games. Allowing players to fly planes while simultaneously buying and building battle armies, Herzog Zwei paved the way for other strategy games like Dune 2 – even if it didn’t achieve the success it wanted.

113. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time

(2003, GameCube, PlayStation 2, Xbox, other platforms)

Prince of persia the sand of time - Emergenceingame

It’s hard to believe that Braid and Arkham Asylum could have made an impact on gaming today if Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time hadn’t appeared first. The game allows the player to control the timeline while fighting enemies, the game pacing in Sands of Time makes it stand out.

112. Sid Meier’s Railroad Tycoon

(1990, PC, other systems)

Sid Meiers Railroad Tycoon - Emergenceingame

Railroad Tycoon is one of the most groundbreaking games of the Meier’s name. Allowing the player to plan and build their own railway company – you are responsible for laying tracks, building train stations, and having to schedule trains – Railroad Tycoon is full of perfection and is the title of the game. The best game of all time in the early 90s.

111. Hitman: Blood Money

(2006, PlayStation 2, Xbox, Xbox 360)

Hitman: Blood Money feels more like a simulation than a stealth game. In order for players to complete the perfect deals, Blood Money increases the difficulty of the series by punishing them in a way that is too violent and noisy. Only then can you become a professional assassin.

110. Counter-Strike

(2000, PC, other systems)

Counter strike - Emergenceingame

Counter-Strike makes players feel the best of first-person shooters: sticking your head out carelessly means instant death. The game focuses on teamwork, guns have recoil, and when shooting in the arm will do less damage than shooting in the head. Thanks to this realistic approach, Counter-Strike and its successors have become the standard game in esports.

109. Kentucky Route Zero

(2013, PC, other systems)

Kentucky Route Zero is one of those games that forces players to rush in with their eyes closed. Somber and poignant, Kentucky Route Zero explores rural life in America, in a way that’s both simple and whimsical. Although the episodes are not out yet, Kentucky Route Zero has become a game worth talking about, leaving players wondering what the mysteries behind the Kentucky road are.

108. Super Mario Maker

(2015, Wii U, Nintendo 3DS)

After decades of designing and crafting levels by hand, Super Mario Maker now gives players the opportunity to create their own 2D Mario levels. Super Mario Maker has pushed creativity up, giving fans the opportunity to create levels that must be said to be super difficult.

107. Papers, Please

(2013, PC, other systems)

Set in the fictional country of Arstotzka on the verge of collapse, Papers, Please puts players in the role of a controller at the entry area, able to allow or arrest people trying to enter their country. The game gives you full control over the lives of the people who try to enter – possibly at the expense of your own family.

106. Final Fantasy Tactics

(1998, PlayStation, other platforms)

Final Fantasy Tactics - Emergenceingame

Unlike other Final Fantasy games, Tactics removes the traditional role-playing gameplay, replacing it with a tile-based strategy game. This direction, along with the in-depth content, has been widely praised by the community – especially the challenging gameplay.

105. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

(2002, PlayStation 2, other platforms)

Grand Theft Auto Vice City - Emergenceingame

Vice City ditches the gray, brown buildings in Grand Theft Auto 3 and replaces them with sunlit beaches and bunker cars. Character-filled characters, an exciting open world, and great soundtracks make Vice City one of the best games in the series.

104. Burnout Paradise

(2008, PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)

Burnout Paradise brings the game to the open world. Players have the right to continue if they want, which means that if you want to run around and destroy cars without racing, you can still do it.

103. Elite

(1984, BBC Micro, other platforms)

1984 Elite - Emergenceingame

Elite nonetheless created the modern space flight simulator genre. Paving the way for game worlds like Second Life and World of Warcraft, the space in Elite also heavily influenced titles like No Man’s Sky and Eve Online.

102. Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2

(2000, PlayStation, other platforms)

Tony hawk pro skater 2 - Emergenceingame

Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2 marks the pinnacle of this series and action sports games. Built with a successful formula, the game grossed better than any action sports game at the time. While not the most revolutionary game in the series, Pro Skater 2 is still a passionate product from the Neversoft studio.

101. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

(2001, PlayStation 2, other platforms)

Metal gear solid 2 - Emergenceingame

Sons of Liberty is the perfect work of unexpected plot, smashing players’ hopes by introducing a new protagonist, Raiden, after the game’s opening. And that’s just one of the elements of surprise in the game, as it tackles themes like incest and existentialism.

Source: Polygon

Part 21 >>

Source link: 500 best games of all time (120-101)
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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