5 things to know about the Truth Arena update 9.15b

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Teamfight Tactics is preparing to add some new champions and Origins, but first there must be adjustments to balance the game, and here are 5 points that players need to know, note about the update. The Truth Arena update 9.15B below.

The biggest change in Teamfight Tactics update 9.15b is with 5-money units like Karthus and Kayle, both of which are nerfed. Karthus has a reduced damage from his skills, which also affects lvl 2 skills, while Kayle’s skills have to cost a bit more mana.

5 things to know about the most recent school year 9 15b

Points to note in the Truth Arena update 9.15b

Runaan’s Rage deals more damage

It’s hard to justify building a hurricane in the Arena of Truth. After all, equipment requires a Spatula and some necessary equipment to complete. But Riot is giving it 50% more damage on Storm Runaan, which could really make it useful. Now if you have champions like Draven or even Tristana with increased damage, Hurricane can upgrade their damage and make them perfect with more magic resistance.

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Karthus’ skills deal more damage and target less

Karthus is one of the biggest nerfs in Teamfight Tactics 9.15b, as his skill’s damage is reduced by 50 at level 1 and by 100 at level 2. Perhaps worse with Karthus is at a level 2 skill, now Karthus will only shoot 7 targets with his skill, not 9 like the original. This means that when a level 2 Karthus uses his skill, it likely won’t attack every unit on the enemy board.

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Kayle won’t often use shields

Kayle has also received changes in this update, although not quite as bad as Karthus. Kayle’s skill now costs 125 Mana, which means she won’t be able to use her shield as often. Another important part of this is that she doesn’t get extra mana to compensate for the mana increase. This means that her first cast time will be significantly later than in the previous update.

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Angel Armor gives less health

Guardian Angel has been a great item since it was buffed in previous updates, but it was a bit too strong and Riot decided. The item now revives units at 800 health, instead of 1000 as before. This doesn’t make it unusable, but it does make you think about which champion to equip them, rather than just placing it on anyone knowing it will be useful.

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Blitzcrank will make allies attack their hook target

Riot has been trying to get Blitzcrank’s teammates to help him since the Teamfight Tactics updates, and they’ve been unsuccessful. But after League of Legends patch 9.15b, expect teammates to direct their attacks at enemies on the Blitzcrank hook. If this works consistently, it could be a pretty big buff for Blitzcrank, whoever he hooks will be instantly disqualified.

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Hopefully with our article summarizing 5 things to know about the Truth Arena update 9.15b, it will help you better understand the changes in this update, before the appearance of some characters and Origin. new, to see all changes in Truth Arena 9.15b, you can see the details here.

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5 things you need to know about the most recent school year 9.15b

, but it is only possible to start with 9.15b, but it is only possible in 9.15b,

Source link: 5 things to know about the Truth Arena update 9.15b
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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