5 things to know about the 9.15 League of Legends update

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As we get closer to the playoffs in different leagues around the world, League of Legends updates are getting a little smaller and smaller. There are only a few nerfs and small buffs this time around to make up this play-offs pre-game update.

There are a lot of small changes to the champions in this 9.15 League of Legends update, for champions like Galio, Karma, and Leblanc. In the case of Galio and Leblanc, these changes represent sizable buffs, but for Karma, this update is just nerfs.

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Things to know in the 9.15 League of Legends update

5 things to know about the 9.15 League of Legends update

1. Mid laner gets some buffs

Xerath, Lissandra, Leblanc, and Syndra all have a few minor buffs in this update. None of these tactical changes to the game, but they can help in a position. Xerath’s ultimate range is now 5000 at all ranks, which means that on the first two levels he can shoot further. Syndra and Leblanc both have some damage buffs. For Syndra, it’s a buff on her ultimate, while Leblanc also gets a buff on her Ethereal Chain. The biggest changes go to Lissandra, who gets a slight boost to her base HP and 15% damage to her ultimate.

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2. Vayane and Lucian are buffed

To get some attention in the update are some small buffs to ADC Vayne and Lucian. Vayne now deals 150% of Condemn’s damage to targets when it pushes them into a wall. Even better, Condemn’s damage is now applied immediately, rather than after the target is knocked back. Lucian only takes 5 damage on his ultimate at level two and 10 at level three, but those can add up quickly.

3. Cursor officially disappeared

It’s time to mourn the bronze gauntlet as once again Riot has finally taken it off the servers. While great, it’s time to move on to newer and nicer things, and the new cursor seems to be a good replacement for ol’ glove so far.

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4. Malphite continues to be buffed

There were a few significant changes to Malphite in the previous update, but they haven’t completely changed. To help him get ahead, Riot is bringing in a couple of new buffs. His Q now slows 5% at all ranks. His W now deals more damage and works with Hunter’s Talisman, making him a bit stronger in the jungle.

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5. Project Skin is back

Project Skin has long been considered one of the best and most exciting in League of Legends, and that hasn’t changed this time around either. New skins, this update is coming to Pyke, Irelia, Jinx, Akali and Warwick, giving you lots of Project options no matter what role you prefer. Irelia is also getting a special bonus with this skin that changes her red, gray, and purple armor to silver and gold.

These are the 5 biggest changes that players need to know about in the 9.15 League of Legends update, in addition to some other changes for junglers like Graves, Kha’Zix, and Lee Sin. These buffs mainly deal a certain bit of extra damage.

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Source link: 5 things to know about the 9.15 League of Legends update
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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