Young buffalo fake terrorist alarm, call the police to his door to arrest the defending champion Fortnite

bu - Emergenceingame

Nice Kyle Giersdorf Bugha is a name that is frequently mentioned recently when excellently defeating thousands of other gamers to be crowned champion Fortnite World Cup 2019 and won the full 3 million USD in prize money. But everything has two sides, this sudden popularity is also the cause of a series of troubles that the 16-year-old gamer has to face. Recently, Bugha became the next victim of “Swatting” and was almost caught by the police at home because he thought it was a crime. terrorism.


“Swatting” is a term that describes prank phone calls to the police, and this behavior is quite common in the US. Usually, criminals will collect information of the victim and call the police to report a serious case like murder, robbery, terrorist bombing, etc. Soon, the police will send a task force (Swat) fully equipped with weapons and guns came to do the mission, but when they arrived, all the victims did not know what happened. This practice is extremely dangerous and illegal, sometimes resulting in injury and particularly serious consequences.


One of the most tragic “swatting” cases occurred in 2017 when two young buffalo quarreled because of a loss in Call of Duty. In anger, one of the men called the police, said that his mother and brother were being held by a terrorist and asked the police to go there. Ironically, the other guy provided a fake address and it was the home of the victim Andrew Finch was staying with his wife and children. After arriving at the reported address, the police shot down Finch, who didn’t even play the game and didn’t know anything about the argument between the two bad guys.


Back to the case of Bugha, when he was still busy streaming Fortnite on Twitch, the police suddenly arrived. Luckily for the champion, one of the police officers was from the neighborhood and knew who he was so nothing bad happened. Although Bugha got lucky this time, “swatting” is really a threat to everyone, especially famous gamers. Regardless of the reason, this is clearly a behavior worthy of condemnation because it can lead to extremely serious consequences. The person who made the false alarm to Bugha’s house has now been arrested by the police.​

Source link: Young buffalo fake terrorist alarm, call the police to his door to arrest the defending champion Fortnite

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