What’s new in the Truth Arena 9.17 update?

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Let’s review with Taimienphi the detailed content of the Truth Arena update 9.17 and see what changes they have in this version, how it affects the current meta to have reasonable playing tactics in time. Upcoming.

As the information we gave before, in the update of Truth Arena 9.17, there is a completely new Pantheon champion, this is a 5 gold champion capable of stunning opponents from a distance.

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General Pantheon of the Dragon clan in the Truth Arena update 9.17

Details of the Truth Arena update 9.17

1. New Hero Pantheon
– Cost: 5 Gold
– System: Dragon
– Ethnicity: Guardian
– Grand Starfall skills: Pantheon leaps into the air and dashes to the farthest enemies, stunning them for 4/6/8 seconds. Enemies in the path of the Pantheon gain 15%/30%/45% of their maximum health as magic and enter a state where they burn for 20% of their maximum health for 10 seconds.

2. Gameplay
– The first carousel now only shows 2 Gold champions.
– AI formations will now enjoy buffs from Clans and Attributes like normal players.
– Attack speed increased from 2.5 to 5.0.

3. System/Ethnic Adjustment
– Adjusted Assassin: Unlike in patch 9.16b, Assassin will be slightly tweaked in terms of her ability to take bounus damage. At Teamfight Tactics 9.17, Assassins are completely changed to Critical Damage and Crash Rate, increasing target selection time at the beginning of the round.
+ 3 Assassin champions take 125% Critical Damage ⇒ 75% Critical Damage and 10% Crash Rate.
+ 6 Assassin champions take 350% Critical Damage ⇒ 150% Critical Damage and 25% Crash Rate.
– Adjust Hextech: Equipment lock time reduced from 8 seconds to 7 seconds.
– Adjustment of Nobles:
Armor and Magic Resist reduced from 60 to 50.
+Heal from 35 to 25
Adjustment of Archers
2 shot rate increased from 25%/65% ⇒ 30%/70%
+ Make Archers more suitable.
– Adjustment of Morphology: Increases the ability of Transfiguration to transform faster than before.
+ Nidalee needs 85 mana instead of 100 as before.
Jayce Armor: 30 35
+ Shyvana needs 85 mana instead of 100 as before.
+ Gnar needs 100 mana instead of 125 as before.
– Adjust Yordle: Evasion rate increased from 30/55% to 35/60%

4. Adjustment of champions/units/heroes
– Graves: Changed the way Lien Thanh Cannon works, no longer hitting far and wide like before.
– Warwick: Base health increased by 600 => 650
– Lissandra
+ HP: 450 500
+ Mana (start/total mana): 50/125 0/85
Skill Damage: 150/275/400 175/325/475
Lucian: Attack speed increases with the number of shots fired at the enemy.
– Gangplank: Skill damage reduced from 200/325/450 150/250/350
– Leona: Stun duration drastically reduced from 5/8/11 5/7/9

5. Adjusted the healing ability
– Effect Deep wound will reduce healing less than before: 100% ⇒ 80%
– Heal from Blood Sword reduced: 50% ⇒ 40%
– Hextech Gunblade’s heal reduced: 33% ⇒ 25%.
Swain’s healing reduced: 50/90/130 40/70/100
– Chain of Atonement healing reduced: 1500 1200

Above is the detailed content of the Truth Arena update 9.17 that Taimienphi wants to give to readers, please refer to the changes of the game to have a reasonable strategy when starting the match right now. Hextech is a strong and powerful race countering Teamfight Tactics Hextech lineup It’s very simple, you just arrange the squad to spread out instead of clustering in one place like at the beginning.

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Source link: What’s new in the Truth Arena 9.17 update?
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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