Vampyr releases gameplay trailer about brutal combat system

Vampyr releases gameplay trailer about brutal combat system

Vampyr, the horror RPG game, released a trailer a month ago about the game’s plot. Now, the studio continues to release a new trailer to let us better understand the powers that the main character possesses, used to confront the enemies in the game.

Similar to the previous Vampyr trailer, a voice in his head is always talking to the protagonist, Jonathan Reid. The voice this time is male and seems to be explaining to Doctor Reid that he is already a vampire and urging him to cherish his dark side. The voice describes his thirst for blood, now that man is his prey and always sees him as an enemy. After that, the trailer shows some fighting scenes in the game.

While some combat was shown at E3 2017, this trailer shows off the new supernatural powers that players can use when battling enemies in the game. Of course, Jonathan can grab enemies and pull them close to suck blood, but it doesn’t stop there. As a vampire, he has many other powers as well.

The player can quickly run around enemies, seemingly teleporting from one location to another. This move can be used to shorten the distance or dodge. In addition, we can see the special attack when Dr. Reid passes through enemies at lightning speed, hitting repeatedly before they collapse.

Additionally, we see an attack that stuns the opponent, which is used to hold the opponent and then approach with attacks that launch into the air. We can see the claws being used to tear enemies apart, while the ranged attack can pierce them with black tentacles.

These brutal attacks are all unleashed in the trailer. Enemies from normal people to big guys. There is also a battle with werewolves, which means that Vampyr will have other supernatural characters in the game.

Vampyr launches on May 5 on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

Source link: Vampyr releases gameplay trailer about brutal combat system

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