Valorant: KAY/O skill set details – Destruction starter machine

Valorant kay o 700 - Emergenceingame

Kay/O is a new agent debuting in Valorant with an extremely “heavy” skill set and capable of countering most other agents. Let’s learn about Kay/O’s skill set in the article below.

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Valorant: KAY/O skill set details – Destruction starter machine

KAY/O is a war machine built for the sole purpose of neutralizing enemies. Therefore, he possesses the ability to suppress a large area of ​​​​the enemy making them unable to resist and help his teammates easily defeat them.

Skill Q – Blind Grenade

Valorant kay o Q - Emergenceingame

Kay/O will equip 1 blind grenade and press shoot to throw. The grenade will detonate after a short delay, blinding everyone within range. Players can right-click and throw blind grenades to shorten the detonation time to 1 second.

Skill E – Disabled

Valorant kay o E - Emergenceingame

Kay/O will equip 1 suppression blade. When thrown, the blade will dig into the first surface it hits, and after a short period of time it will explode and overwhelm everyone in range. Suppressed enemies will not be able to use skills (Disable all currently used skills such as robots, gun emplacements…)

Skill C – Exploding Grenades

Valorant kay o C - Emergenceingame

Kay/O equips 1 explosive grenade, press the fire button to throw. Explosive grenades upon landing will detonate multiple times, dealing critical damage in the center of the explosion.

Move X – Null/Cmd

Valorant kay o X - Emergenceingame

Kay/O is loaded with polarized radianite energy, causing large energy waves to be released around. All enemies hit by this energy wave are suppressed for a short time. If Kay/O is killed during this time, he will go into an inactive state and can be revived by an ally and continue fighting.

Wishing you many victories with Kay/O – The Destruction Starter!

Source link: Valorant: KAY/O skill set details – Destruction starter machine


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