URF League of Legends auxiliary rune table for each champion type

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Runes or runes in League of Legends add or improve the skills and stats of the generals. To take advantage of what a League of Legends champion has to offer, runes need to match the player’s role, character, and playstyle. In this article, Taimienphi.vn will introduce you to the top runes in League of Legends URF mode for each champion type.

Even in the chaotic URF environment, certain builds and tactics will make it easier for you to win than others. And when it comes to runes, the best runes in URF will give you instant power. Since this game mode is not like what happens in the Summoner’s Rift playground of League of Legends, everything adds up quickly and you need to be the first to take the lead.


Complementary rune table suitable for League of Legends generals in URF U

That’s why in URF you usually look for runes and powerful items very early on. This means that the first few minutes of each match are the most important, and getting through that period often gives you the overall victory. However, the list of champions in League of Legends has surpassed 150 and each champion is suitable for different run. To help you choose the ideal rune for your champion to play, the article will share with you the top strongest rune for each champion in URF League of Legends.

Rune gems in League of Legends URF for each champion type

1. Best Rune for Tank generals in League of Legends URF

General Tank doesn’t have much trouble picking runes in URF. And any option with them is possible. However, Aftershock is the best rune for passive champions like Maokai, Ornn, and Braum as it doubles their defense, as well as AOE damage per second. Since these champions don’t deal much damage, they’re generally not considered a big threat. Therefore, Aftershock is a good way to perfect their URF experience.

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For those of you who want to deal damage instead of poke, Grasp of the Undying is a super useful rune for Tank champions that deal AD damage and Dark Harvest for tank champions that deal damage. Trade AP. Both of these runes are great for offensive play and deal a good amount of damage to all champions in the URF.

2. The best rune for Gladiator champions in URF League of Legends

Gladiators in League of Legends do not have as diverse options as other champion groups. They have a Keystone to overwhelm all opponents and that is Conqueror. Simply champions like Jax, Sett, Garen and Mordekaise are not suitable for any other runes. The Conqueror Gem buffs their ability to damage and heal, and that’s super important for prolonged duels.


And the Conqueror gem pairs perfectly with Triumph (Dac Thang). Triumph is another must-have rune for Gladiators in URF because it heals for 10% on every kill without a cooldown. Battles in URF sometimes last for 2-3 minutes, so getting your HP restored after every kill/assist is invaluable.

3. The best rune for the Mage champion in League of Legends URF

Wizards also have a Keystone that all use is Dark Harvest. This rune completely breaks the rules of League of Legends in URF because it can turn an Ap champion into a 1-hit 1-kill machine in just a few minutes. Not to mention most Mages have enough hit sheets to knock out targets on the map, so whether it’s Zoe, Ahri, Brand or Lux, Dark Harvest will increase their ability to deal the most damage.

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And if you’re looking for another OP rune, consider Ravenous Hunter. Most Mage champions don’t have good defenses, so being able to get that through damage is truly a godsend. And you will need it when the enemy Tank and Gladiator rush at you.

4. The best rune for ADC champion in URF League of Legends

Gunners have no choice but to choose when it comes to Keystones and runes in URF. Therefore, their usual runes also work perfectly in this game mode. Runes like Press the Attack, Lethal Tempo (Deadly Tempo) or Conqueror (Conquer) are super powerful if used properly.

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Even so, in general, ADC champions with the ability to deal great damage with their skills like Jhin hat Jinx, Dark Harvest may be the strongest runes for them. It provides an initial “boom effect”, which helps them get more lives. And for champions that rely on auto attacks to deal damage, all other options are possible for them.

5. Best Rune for Support in URF League of Legends

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League of Legends Support Heroes are diverse and their rune selection will always depend on the current champions. However, as a general rule, tank champions like Thresh, Nautilus and Leona will be best suited for Aftershock. And the Mages will be super strong with Dark Harvest. Yuumi, Zilean, and Seraphine are all great at knocking down targets and dealing some unexpected damage.

6. Other powerful boosters in League of Legends

If you’re not interested in a specific role or champion, there are a few other rune gems worth considering that provide a variety of benefits to any champion or role you choose.

– Phase Rush (Phase Acceleration) is an excellent rune, increasing your movement speed significantly when you successfully attack an enemy champion 3 times. And any champion that can quickly use the ability can also take advantage of Phase Rush in teamfights. Imagine a Ryze or a Diana that gets 25-40% constant movement speed, while also having 75% resistance to slow effects? This is crazy!
– Nimbus Cloak (Divine Cloak) is the same case. This rune gem increases movement speed whenever you cast a summoner spell. And since the cooldown of summoner spells in URF is very low, you can cast Nimbus Cloak all the time.
– Sudden Impact is another famous example, but it only works on champions with mobility skills, like dashing. AD assassins like Zed, Talon, or even Katarina can utilize Sudden Impact to gain magic/armor resistance and deal as much damage as possible.

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Above are the top best supporting gems for each group of champions in League of Legends. Hopefully this information will make it easier for you to choose gems for your champion position and role in the war. Besides, you can refer to how to earn orange essence in League of Legends to unlock costume pieces, eye patterns, and fire cards to become permanent.

See also: How to earn Orange Essence in League of Legends

Related keywords:

top runes in urf League of Legends

, top of the best supplemental gems in URF League of Legends mode, top best supplemental gems for each type of champion in URF LoL,

Source link: URF League of Legends auxiliary rune table for each champion type
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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