According to GOSU.AI, in the best offlane hero combos in patch 7.27d Dota 2, Bloodseeker is at the top, achieving a 62.41% win rate when paired with Crystal Maiden.
Most successful offlane combos of 7.27d from DotA2
Since Team Secret picked Bloodseeker offlane in the OG series last month, the Dota 2 hero has quickly become one of the best position 3s out there.
Here are the most successful offlane combos in patch 7.27d of Dota 2
Bloodseeker and Crystal Maiden
The only thing Bloodseeker really lacks in the laning phase is control. It’s not surprising that one of the best early game disables, Crystal Maiden, works well with this hero.
Bloodseeker’s Blood Rite is pure damage but has a long cast time. With Crystal Maiden’s Crystal Nova a 4.5 second slow will thwart opponents long enough not to run away from the Bloodrite area.
Crystal Maiden also has a win rate of over 50% in pubs at all ranks, partly due to the mana-regenerating Arcana Aura skill being useful to the entire team. Bloodseeker is no exception when he will now hit with a maxed W skill, which means it takes mana to spam skills to overwhelm lane.
Underlord and Dark Willow
Underlord and Dark Willow are the two heroes that work best to tie down opponents. Both have the ability to set traps on the ground, making the enemy hero very uncomfortable to move and complement each other’s disables.
Underlord’s Firestorm and Pit of Malice are already the default combo, but when combined with Dark Willow’s Bramble Maze and Cursed Crown, it’s a very scary thing. Especially if the enemy doesn’t have magic immunity, it will lose a lot of health in the long run. And if the finishing blow is needed from afar, Willow is ready to take the job with a Shadow Realm nuke.
Necrophos and Nyx Assassin
Necrophos and Nyx Assassin are nearly impossible to kill. You will see your health and mana drained by Necrophos’ Heartstopper Aura and Nyx’s Mana burn. If you try to rush in, you will be “welcome” with healing and nuke damage by Death Pulse or stun with Spiked Carapace.
The minute this lane reaches level 6, both heroes will greatly increase their damage nuke. Nyx’s Vendetta and Imple provide good damage and control while Reaper’s Scythe ensures enemies will be on the countdown.
Dark Seer and Spirit Breaker
As the only melee duo in the top 5, Dark Seer and Spirit Breaker have been the best companions since the Charge of Darkness change in patch 7.20. Charge is changed from a certain speed to the effect of current movement speed and this pairs perfectly with Dark Seer’s Surge ‘Haste’.
And yet, Spirit Breaker now deals more damage based on bonus movement speed equal to Greater Bash. With the added support of Ion Shell, these two beefy heroes are almost fearless and ready to sweep the opponent if they move too high.
Legion Commander and Warlock
Warlock’s Fatal Bonds and Legion’s Overwhelming Odds are combos that deal high damage in both lane and combat. Fatal Bonds lock multiple targets, causing them to share damage with each other, while Overwhelming Odds increase damage based on the number of units stuck in the AoE area. Smooth coordination can drag down the opponent’s health a lot.
These two heroes also hold the lane well. Warlock has the Shadow Word, which both heals and nuke, and Legion and Press the Attack remove the debuff plus fast heal.
Both heroes possess the ultimate in magic immunity penetration, which plays an extremely important CC (crowd control) role in the later stages of the game. They are not dangerous because the burst damage is not high, but make the opponent locked in combat.
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Source link: Top most successful offlane combos Patch 7.27d Dota 2