Top best CSGO training maps to improve your performance

Top map tập luyện CSGO tốt nhất để cải thiện trình của bạn

Practice will help you succeed in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Here are the Top three workshop maps that players can use and practice to take your CSGO performance to the next level.

Deathmatch is not the only way to improve shooting in CSGO. With seven maps in the competitive pool, players need to know how to throw grenades, popular peeks, and dozens of skills to become good at the game. CSGO Steam Workshop will help you improve these skills. The community has created great maps that allow players to practice important skills, and this list includes three workshop maps you can download right away.

Yesber’s YPrac Series, the perfect map to practice

Yesber has contributed a lot to CSGO. His YPrac series features practice maps for nearly every game map, including Mirage, Dust 2, and the popular Overpass. They are not just aim training maps. Each map has a variety of training modes that allow players to practice throwing grenades, common angles to check and a mode that allows players to switch sides and angle from different positions. The maps are impressively invested, and they can give both new and experienced players better skills in the game.

Top best CSGO training maps to improve your performance

Yesber also has an aim map with tons of options to suit your experience. The map allows you to practice difficult skills like shooting a headshot from behind, and it also allows you to choose the type of opponent you want to practice. The variety of Yesber’s maps really helps players better understand and practice what they need.

Top best CSGO training maps to improve your performance

You can check out all of Yesber’s maps on his Workshop Steam page.

Map Aim and Movement Training by DC

DC’s Aim and Movement (aim and move) training map combines the usefulness of the aim map with dozens of other features that are easy for new CSGO players to get used to. One of CSGO’s most important mechanics is mastering movement, and this map has a dedicated room to help players practice this skill. From simple bunnyhop to surf mode, Dreazc0z’s map has everything new players need.

Top best CSGO training maps to improve your performance

DC also adds a custom viewmodel in the map, so you don’t have to go to the console to fumble with the viewmodel you want. Viewmodel really helps players a lot in the game. DC added this customization feature in the map.

You can find DC’s Aim & Movement map on his Steam Workshop page.

uLLeticaL’s Aim Botz is a classic CSGO practice map

Aim Botz is probably the most popular training map in CSGO. Players have seen the pros compete in the map’s time mode, and it is a favorite map for many players to warm up before entering the deathmatch server. This map is easy, straightforward, and has all the configuration players need to hone their skills. The creator of the map also has its own maps to practice spray guns, as well as other challenging maps, including a time clock and scoreboard.

Top best CSGO training maps to improve your performance

uLLeticaL is one of the most popular CSGO practice map creators, and you can see why. uLLeticaL worked with BLAST Entertainment to create special maps for fans. Aim Botz remains one of CSGO’s most popular practice maps, with over 14.8 million subscribers in the workshop. You can find all of uLLeticaL’s maps on the Steam Workshop page.

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