Top 5 teams specializing in climbing the ranks of the Arena of Truth 9.16b most domineering

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There are 55 champions available in Teamfight Tactics right now, with abilities, classes, and items it’s hard to tell how strong each one is, and the combination to Forming a hegemonic squad is not easy.

In today’s article about the Teamfight Tactics, Taimienphi brings you the Top 5 teams specializing in climbing the rank of Truth Arena 9.16b at the moment, giving players some ideas about what to do. Build a squad to climb to the top of the leaderboard.

the top 5 ranking climbers are ranked 9th 16b in the top 5

The strongest Comps specializing in climbing the rank of Truth Arena 9.16b

Top 5 Teamfight Tactics 9.16b most domineering

1. Sword Master and Noble

With a combination of Swordsman and Cao, your squad includes Draven, Fiora, Gangplank, Garen, Kayle, Leona, Lucian, Vayne. This Comp mainly gives you the ability to resist, the amount of buffalo armor and damage mainly comes from the Sword Master and Gunner units.
– 6 Noble: +70 Armor and Magic Resist, heals 35 HP when attacking for the whole team.
– 3 Swordsmen: Sword Master units have a 35% attack chance to attack one more time.
– 2 Knights: Your team ignores 15 damage from all attacks.
– 2 Gunners: 50% chance to attack an additional target in range.

Top 5 top 5 ranking climbers from the top 9 16b 3 most 2

2. Imperial and Knight

This comp mainly relies on the combination of super strong Kayle and Swain to get through the rounds. Varus is the main unit that can help you find 2 5-star champions, the main members of the squad include Darius, Garen, Kayle, Poppy, Sejuani, Swain, Varus, Vayne.
– 6 Knights: Your team ignores 55 damage from all attacks (both magic and physical)
– 2 Imperial: Double damage for an Imperial.

Top 5 top 5 rank climbing pictures from the top 9 16b 3

3. Gunner and Noble

The ADC and Noble Taimienphi lineup here including Fiora, Garen, Jinx, Kayle, Leona, Lucian, Vayne will help you have a relatively stable amount of damage from 2 ADCs. In addition, you can also add other systems and races to increase the damage of the squad because there are only 7 units here.
– 6 Noble: +70 Armor and Magic Resist, heals 35 HP when attacking for the whole team.
– 2 Knights: Your team ignores 15 damage from all sources.
– 2 Gunners: 50% chance to attack an additional target in range.

Top 5 top 5 rank climbing pictures from the top 9 16b

4. Knights and Rangers

This can be said to be the most elite squad with extremely strong damage from Ranger, they have a very fast rate of fire along with a tank of Knights that will be invincible for rank climbing in the Arena of Legends version. League of Legends 9.16b. The squad is mainly built from Fiora, Garen, Jinx, Kayle, Leona, Lucian, Vayne.
– 6 Noble: +70 Armor and Magic Resist and heal for 35 HP when attacking for the whole team.
– 2 Knights: Your team ignores 15 damage from all other units.
– 2 Gunners: 50% chance to attack an additional target in range.

Top 5 top 5 rank climbing pictures from the top 9 16b

5. Wild and Mage

Even with the nerfs for Ahri and Luden’s Echo, this roster is really strong and easy to find. Champions don’t have a super high demand that allows you to get a good team overall. Your team includes Ahri, Cho’Gath, Kassadin, Lulu, Rek’Sai, Vi, Warwick.
– 4 Wilds: +600 bonus points for Brawlers.
– 3 Wizards: Your party gains +40 skill damage.
– 3 Void: Increases ally’s armor penetration and evasion rate
– 2 Wild: Each Wild unit’s attack grants them one Fury stack (5 stacks), adding 12% attack speed.

Top 5 top 5 ranking climbers from the top 9 16b
And you already have Teamfight Tactics 9.16b that specializes in rank climbing. For more information about How to match Teamfight Tactics League of Legends is effective, you can refer to our Taimienphi website for more effective tips and methods, gaining an advantage against opponents in the professional arena is a necessity.

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Source link: Top 5 teams specializing in climbing the ranks of the Arena of Truth 9.16b most domineering

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