Top 5 generals to counter Yasuo in the powerful Wild Rift Alliance

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Yasuo is one of the strongest champions in Wild Rift Alliance when he can deal tremendous damage and has high mobility. Although strong, it is not difficult to deal with this champion. The first and most important thing you need to do is choose a suitable counter and here are the top 5 effective Yasuo counter champions in Wild Rift League.

In every 5v5 MOBA game, players choose their favorite and least favorite generals. In Wild Rift, Yasuo is considered one of the most interesting champions to play and is chosen by many people. He can deal massive damage, causing enemies and tankers to change color quickly, not to mention he also has high mobility.

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Top generals to counter Yasuo most effectively in Wild Rift League

Yasuo’s Sword Storm (1) grants him 2 stacks each time he hits an enemy, and unleashes a whirlwind that knocks enemies into the air. So are there any champions that can deal well with this Tolerant? The answer is yes and you just need to choose 1 of the top 5 effective counter Yasuo generals in the following Wild Rift League.

Top 5 generals who effectively counter Yasuo in Wild Rift League

1. Fiora

If you’re going to face Yasuo in Baron, your best bet is Fiona as she’s a very nasty opponent for Yasuo. Fiona’s kit cannot be blocked by spells Wind Wall (2) of Yasuo and she can deal massive amounts of damage with her Passive and ability Rush To (1) mine.

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In addition to the massive damage, Fiona can also block Yasuo’s tornado with Counterattack (2). This will definitely make it difficult for Yasuo to use his ultimate Last word.

To deal a large amount of damage, players need to know how to best equip Fiora. See instructions here.

See also: How to build generals Fiora in Wild Rift League.

2. Akali

Another great Yasuo counter in Wild Rift is Akali. Although some of Akali’s skills can be blocked by the Wind Generals (2) of Yasuo, but she was still able to wipe out Yasuo with ease. With the ultimate Perfect Slayer, Akali can rush over and capture the target instantly.

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In addition, Akali also has a fairly short cooldown. Therefore, even if some of her skills are blocked by Wind Wall, Akali just need to wait a while for Wind Wall finish and reuse your skills. Learn more about how to build Akali here.

See also: How to build general Akali in Wild Rift Alliance.

3. Fizz

Fizz is a Mage-Assassin that can instantly attack Yasuo. With the ultimate Summon Water Monster Quá and move 1 Strike, Fizz was able to obliterate Yasuo without giving him any chance to dodge attacks.

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That’s not all, Fizz has it too skill 3 Swinging/Dancing, can be used to dodge Yasuo’s attacks, making it difficult for Yasuo to use his ultimate.

4. Malphite

Malphite can be played in any lane. While Malphite could make a great teammate for Yasuo, he would also be a terrible nightmare for Yasuo.

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Malphite has skill 1 Seismic Shard, which can be used to tear the target apart, forcing Yasuo to lose community Intrinsic. After Yasuo no longer gains shields from Intrinsic of mine, Malphite can attack with his ultimate Unstoppable Combine with other moves and hand attacks to finish the opponent.

See also: How to build general Malphite in Wild Rift League.

5. Annie

Even if Annie has low defense and can become Yasuo’s prey, once you’ve mastered Annie’s skills, you can make Yasuo miserable and overwhelm him, even killing him. finish him off easily.

Top 5 other players covering yasuo in the alliance

After the points accumulate for Intrinsic is full, you can use the ultimate Summon Tibbers to stun Yasuo, then use other skills to destroy him.
Above are the 5 best generals to counter Yasuo in Wild Rift League. By using one of these champions, you can easily get past Yasuo in the laning phase. However, if your team has players using Yasuo, you should also choose suitable generals to combine with Yasuo in Wild Rift League.

See also: Generals that combine with Yasuo in the best Wild Rift League.

Related keywords:

Top 5 other players covering yasuo in the alliance

, general counter Yasuo in League of Wild Rift, The most effective way to counter Yasuo,

Source link: Top 5 generals to counter Yasuo in the powerful Wild Rift Alliance

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