Top 5 generals to counter Garen in Wild Rift Alliance

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Garen is a Juggernaut champion in League of Wild Rift often played in Baron lane. Garen deals mainly physical damage and is actually very powerful, especially when properly equipped. So which champions are capable of dealing with Garen? In this article, will show you the Top 5 effective generals to counter Garen in Wild Rift League.

Garen is a tenacious general in the League of Wild Rift. He has high defense and damage, which can lead the team to victory. If you are struggling to find a way to deal with Garen, having failed many times, first make sure you choose the right opponent for him. Try using 1 of the top 5 effective counter Garen generals in Wild Rift League as introduced below.

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The most effective generals against Garen in LoL Wild Rift

Top 5 generals to counter Garen in Wild Rift Alliance

1. Vayne

Play Gunner on Baron Road? Why not? Although Vayne is an AD carry, she can be an exceptional top laner because of her ability to “bully” opponents with ease. Even Garen, who excels at duels, will have a hard time going up against Vayne.

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Vayne has Tumbling (1) which can be used to dodge Garen’s attacks and Condemnation (3) to knock Garen backwards if he tries to get close to Vayne. Additionally, Vayne also has Silver Arrow (2), which allows her to tear Garen apart. With this skill’s Passive, Vayne’s 3rd attack deals real damage to Garen.

2. Camille

Next, we have a champion with great range against melee champions and high mobility with her Hook Shoot (3), which is Camille. With that skill, Camille can dodge Garen’s attack easily.

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Besides, Camille can also deal huge damage with Precision Protocol (1), making Garen really hard to deal with Camille. Camlle’s Ultimate Ultimate also allows her to pursue Garen.

3. Fiora

As one of the most feared solo fighters in the top lane, Fiora can easily deal with Garen. With Rush (1) and One Sword Dual (3), Fiora can deal massive amounts of damage.

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On top of that, Fiora’s Dance of the Blades passive and Fiora’s ultimate Great Trial allow her to deal extra damage, making it difficult for Garen in a 1-on-1 fight with Fiora. But that’s not all, this Swordswoman’s 2 Counterattack can also be used to block Garen’s 1 Decisive Strike and her ultimate Justice Demacia. To be able to deal great damage as well as withstand Fiora, you can see more ways to build items here.

See also: How to build Fiora in Wild Rift League.

4. Singed

Singed is the best pick against a melee champion like Garen because he can unleash a trail of toxic smoke with a damage-per-second effect on incoming enemies.

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It will be difficult for Garen to reach Singed because with Knock (3), Singed can easily throw Garen over his shoulder. Also, if you don’t know how to build Singed, you can refer here.

See also: How to build Singed items in Wild Rift League.

5. Malphite

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Last but not least, we have Malphite. Malphite has the advantage of distance because he can poke enemies from a distance with Seismic Shards (1). Therefore, it won’t be easy for Garen to meet an opponent like Malphite as he will have his health cut by Malphite over time. Check out the map for Malphite here.

See also: How to build Malphite in Wild Rift League.

Link to download Wild Rift League:

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Above are the 5 best generals to deal with Garen in Wild Rift League. By using one of these champions, you can easily get past Garen in the laning phase.

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The most effective general against Garen in Wild Rift, The most effective way to counter Garen,

Source link: Top 5 generals to counter Garen in Wild Rift Alliance

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