Top 10 most powerful weapons in the Marvel cinematic universe (P.2)

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5. Black Hole . Grenade

In Thor 2: The Dark World (Dark World) we can see the Dark Elves leader – Malekith used a weapon to attack the Asgard palace, which is a grenade. However, it is not just an ordinary grenade, but a weapon that has been processed by the Dark Elves race, so it has tremendous power. There is no destructive ability, but when detonated, the grenade will create a small black hole and suck up everything in the vicinity. If there is no preparation or superior strength, any enemy can be wiped out by this black hole in an instant.


4. Arrow Yaka

The Yaka Arrow is Yondu’s specialized weapon. When this weapon first appeared in MCU attracted everyone’s attention. Yaka arrows are crimson, not only extremely fast but also extremely sharp. Even iron armor or armored airships can be penetrated by it. In a scene in Guardians Of The Galaxy 2when Yondu was surrounded, this space pirate controlled it with a whistle to take down 20 Sakaara warriors in the blink of an eye.


3. Hell’s Fire Chain

This is a fairly simple weapon, but it is one of the most deadly weapons in the MCU. At first, it was just an ordinary chain, but after being selected by Ghost Rider as a specialized weapon, it was promoted to become a kind of “divine weapon”. The chain of hell fire can not only create a terrible fire that consumes souls, but can also cut apart any other object. Because it was supported by the power of hell, this weapon has surpassed the range of weapons in the human world.


2. Destroyer and Gungnir

Destroyer and Gungnir are likened to two sides of the same coin. Gungnir symbolizes Asgard’s dominion as it is used by the leader of Asgard (in the film it is owned by Odin and then Loki). It is a sacred spear forged from a special metal by the Dwarves of Nidavelli, capable of releasing various energies and amplifying the inherent abilities of the user. That explains why when it’s in the hands of a devious mage like Loki, it’s even more unpredictable. The Destroyer only listens to the orders of the head of Asgard. The Destroyer’s destructive power was shown in Thor, it can even destroy an entire village in Mexico. Moreover, this is only the result obtained by the “new ghost” Loki for the first time, if it is used by Odin, then destroying a powerful army may not be difficult.


1. Thor’s Hammer Mjolnir

Because of Odin’s curse, the magic hammer Mjolnir only allows the worthy to lift it and grant that person a tremendous thunder power. In the MCU, it seems that only Thor, Odin, and Vision can lift the hammer. It was considered a weapon for the gods, able to summon lightning bolts to strike enemies. Thanks to the powerful support of Mjolnir, Thor has become one of the most formidable superheroes in the cinematic universe. Marvel.


Source link: Top 10 most powerful weapons in the Marvel cinematic universe (P.2)

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