The Order of the Lightning Witch in the Empire

13490 - Emergenceingame
Witches in the game download Empire are used to capture enemy troops. However, there is another form of lightning witch in the Empire that has great power. With 200 damage and 10 range, use the following Empire lightning witch command to take down your opponents.

In the game Empire, there is a cheat mode to support beginners. With orders in the Empire, players can ask for modern armies such as cars, cannons that shoot cows, gunners … and even the old man of lightning. In the summary of the Empire’s command, there is the code of the Old Man of Lightning. However, if you do not know how to ask the lightning old man, follow the instructions below to know more about the lightning wizard in the Empire.

Lightning witch orders in the Empire

Step 1: Enter the Game to compete, remember to tick Enable Cheating to use Empire codes.

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Step 2: Enter the game, press Enter to enter the command lightning witch in the empire or you press the icon Chat in the right corner. Enter the code in the box CHAT.

leh phu thuy set in de cover

Step 3: The lightning witch’s command in the empire is CONVERT THIS! . You enter this command in the chat box and Enter, each time will buy a lightning old man.

If you want to buy more, press Shift + Home to blacken later Ctrl + to save. Finally press the key combination Shift + Enter + Insert to use Lightning Sorcerer Command in mass empire.

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Step 4: Use the old man of lightning to attack opponents.

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This is one of the strongest armies in the Empire. However, the Lightning Wizard in the empire is a cheat, you will be cursed by other players incessantly if you use this method.

To play the game properly, you need to understand how to choose troops and install the map in the game Empire. Then gradually develop and play this game. How to choose troops and install the Empire map helps you play your favorite troops, play the map you want. Usually players will like to hold Shang because of the high development ability. Along with that is to use the Hill Conntry map and the Random Map to play the land map.

The next step to progressive game play is to master the shortcuts in Empire. Shortcuts allow players to ask for people quickly, build houses quickly, use armies …. and many other features. With keyboard shortcuts in Empire you will save a lot of time and manipulation instead of using mouse clicks.
Most gamers today have heard of the GTA title or GTA Vice City, a street robbery game, like Empire, in GTA also supports many different GTA commands to help players overcome To get the missions easier, if you’re playing GTA and haven’t finished the mission, try using some of these GTA commands.

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