Test your reasoning skills in the game Seasons of the Samurai is available on Xbox One

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No guns. No bad guys. No bleeding head falls. Only you, against the machines. Seasons of the Samurai is a series of puzzles set in medieval Japan that challenge your brain in new and unexpected ways. Currently, the game is available on Xbox One.

In the puzzle game Seasons of the Samurai, you become a Samurai who has the ability to control the seasons and change the time of day at will. Each change you make will rearrange the context of the entire level you’re playing, creating new paths and blocking others as you try to get to the Torii (a portal in Japan that takes you to a another world).

collect your thoughts in the season of the samurai game on xbox one

Challenge your reasoning with Seasons of The Samurai

See also: Download and play Rocket League for free on Xbox One

Link to download Seasons Of The Samurai:

=> Link Download Seasons of the Samurai Xbox One
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=> Link Download Seasons of the Samurai Windows 10
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Test your reasoning skills in the game Seasons of the Samurai is available on Xbox One

Journey in Seasons of the Samurai takes you through 47 prefectures of Japan, from Okinawa to Hokkaido. Each level challenges you with a brain-twisting puzzle and the difficulty of the puzzle increases as you level up.

All of those sentences require logical reasoning, visual-spatial skills, and good memory. The ground of each level is made up of hexagonal blocks that move up and down. You can only move to the next block if it is level with the block you are standing on. New mechanics will appear throughout your journey, including sliding platforms and spinning blocks, providing new challenges and making the game experience fresh and exciting.

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Along the way, you’ll spot many Japanese landmarks and cultural icons such as the Torii gate in Hiroshima, the shrine in Kyoto, Matsumoto castle and the great bridge leading to the snow-capped villages of Tohoku, as well as like enjoying the music created by traditional Japanese musical instruments. All for an immersive experience.

collect your thoughts in the season of the samurai game on xbox one

See also: Top best puzzle games

The combination of seasons and time of day affects the angle of shadows and rays of the sun, creating beautiful and realistic environments. Lanterns replace the sun illuminating the way through the night. The leaves on the numerous trees reflect all four seasons of the year through color, the red of the maple leaves in the fall and the pinkish purple of the cherry trees in the spring.

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Seasons of the Samurai leverages the power of the Xbox One X console to deliver stunning 4K visuals and ultra-sharp colors in HDR. Following an exclusive showcase during the Xbox Games Showcase event, Seasons of the Samurai is now available worldwide on Xbox One and PC.

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Seasons of the Samurai game Seasons of the Samurai

, the mind game Seasons of the Samurai is available on Xbox One, the puzzle game Seasons of the Samurai has been released on Xbox One,

Source link: Test your reasoning skills in the game Seasons of the Samurai is available on Xbox One
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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