Terminology commonly used in League of Legends Mobile

Garena Lien quan Mobile 650 - Emergenceingame

In League of Legends Moblie has many short terms, helping players communicate with each other more convenient. However, not everyone fully understands these common terms.

Not only Arena of Valor, but many other games such as: DotA, Raid, GTA 5 good Overwatch also have their own terms. So invite you to refer to the following article of Download.vn, to know which terms you play often use:

Arena of valor

Common terms in League of Legends Mobile

  • AD (Attack Damage): Just the sniper position, also means physical damage.
  • AP (Ability Power): Only the Mage position, normally would be the mid laners. Also, it means magic damage.
  • Tank: Tankers only positions, usually flanks solo laners or AD followers.
  • SP (Support): Only Assistant champions, often with AD.
  • JG (Jungle): Only players taking on the role of the jungler.
  • Gank: Just one player moves to support his teammates by attacking the opponent in that lane. The main goal is to find kills, forcing the opponent to back down.
  • Farm: Search for resources such as gold, experience from soldiers or jungle camps.
  • KK (Kinh Kong): The only big goal in the game is Kinh Kong. When destroying Kinh Kong, the whole team will receive gold, super powerful buffs.
  • P (Push): Usually used when your team is aiming to destroy the opponent’s turret.
  • Kill Stealing: Hotels Robbing 1 or more objects.
  • Stun: Stuns the opponent.
  • Def (Defend): Defense, used when the team is aiming to defend a tower or main house.
  • Cv (Cover): Preserved, wrapped. However, the target is not the buildings, but the main damage positions in the team such as: Gunners or Mages.
  • Mid: Mid lane, is the shortest path leading to the opponent’s main house. At the same time, it is the dwelling place of the Sorcerer General.
  • Top: Duong Kinh Kong, usually assumed by General Don Don.
  • Bot: Duong Rong, usually undertaken by General Xạ Thu and Assistant.
  • Miss: There are 2 main meanings: vanish and slip.
  • Backdoor: Darkness is just one or more players on the team not focusing on fighting, but on destroying buildings.
  • AFK (Away from Keyboard): Just one or more players hang up or leave the match, no longer control their characters in the match.
  • Combat (Cb): That means fighting. Combat is divided into two main categories: One is a small fight with few people, usually occurring during the laning phase or when someone goes solo. The second is a massive teamfight that involves all the members of both teams, usually in the mid or late game.
  • Feed: Darks just one player who gets too much kills but doesn’t kill or assist the team. Feeder has two main types: The skill is inferior to the opponent so they are completely crushed; Deliberately breaking the battle, constantly letting the opponent defeat with the aim of assisting the opponent to win.
  • Stack: Only stacks, can be from equipment or from the skill set of the hero.
  • CC (Crowd Control): Control skill or nullification skill.
  • Stick: That means gathering, focusing. When your team needs to take big targets or defend the house, the phrase “stick” comes up very often.
  • Snowball: Literally snowballing, referring to overwhelming the opponent in one lane or on all fronts. The more advantage equates to “snowball“louder.

Hopefully the above article will help you play the game more effectively, quickly communicate with other players.

Wish you have fun playing the game!

Updated: November 9, 2018

Source link: Terminology commonly used in League of Legends Mobile
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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