Teamfight Tactics – TFT: Top 8 champions with the most annoying control moves in all 3 seasons (P.1) top 8 tuong khong che dtcl 9 - Emergenceingame

first. Morgana

When Teamfight Tactics – TFT just released, season 1 gathers a lot of champions with super annoying control skills in many different positions. One of the generals mentioned here is the extremely powerful 3-money card of the Demon Tribe Morgana. Not only possessing a large amount of damage, and a respectable amount of resistance for a Mage general, Morgana also possesses a skill to cause a large area control effect with the ultimate Soul Binding.

When performing the skill, Morgana will immediately deal damage in a surrounding circle and after a period of time will cause the enemy to be stunned and take a second amount of damage. This is one of the champions. very useful in combat Special total for squads with excess damage but lack of control and resistance like Dragon Mage season 1. Even so, Morgana’s skills still have a lot of limitations when it can be interrupted if she is knocked away by Gnar or killed in the duration of his charge.


2. Leona

Although there is no large-scale control effect like Sejuani, Morgana or Cho’Gath, Leona is still a champion with extremely formidable control effects in season 1. There is no need to talk about the huge amount of resistance of a single player. Guardian, Leona and Braum have become an “indestructible” duo when possessing an impressive amount of armor.


But unlike her colleague who has the ability to reflect extremely strong damage, Leona has a Sun Ha San who has caused many problems. gamer helpless when looking at mains like Draven or Karthus being hopelessly locked in while frontline champions are constantly being defeated. Because of having a high IQ that only focuses on stuns in important positions that other champions can’t reach, Leona becomes a super annoying card that always makes the opponent be wary if they intend to use these attacks. The squad gathers items for the main force.

3. Malphite

End of season 1, season 2 Truth Arena with extremely unique generals continue to appear and one of them is the Malphite stone man. This is a very much-anticipated champion appearing in the Arena of Truth with the ultimate Unstoppable skill that has made his brand. Indeed, with a move capable of dealing large area damage and the ability to knock up opponents, Malphite becomes a very useful card for squads that lack hard control.


Not stopping there, Malphite can also use his moves up to 2 times if equipped to become a Witch. With an ultimate that can knock up 3 to 4 members and can be used up to 2 times, Malphite becomes extremely dangerous with the amount of damage as well as the ability to control extremely brute from Teamfight Tactics – TFT to Summoner Rift mine.

4. Nami

As the first 5-money unit of season 2 with hard control, along with Malphite, Nami formed a Mage squad combined with Ocean Earth that resonated for a long time. Although not possessing high damage like Syndra or outstanding resistance like Thresh Vladimir, Nami also possesses a unique ability that can apply crowd control effects on nearly all enemies.


With a large tidal wave, Nami can almost knock up any target if she stands safely in the corner of the map. Besides the ability to control, Nami’s skills also buffs bonus damage to allies as she passes through causing champions to take bonus magic damage from her allies. Because of that, Nami became an indispensable factor for the squad to become the most expensive product of the Teamfight Tactics season 2.​

Source link: Teamfight Tactics – TFT: Top 8 champions with the most annoying control moves in all 3 seasons (P.1)

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