Teamfight Tactics – TFT: Top 8 champions with the most annoying control in all 3 seasons (P.2) top 8 tuong khong che dtcl 12 - Emergenceingame

5. Amumu

A champion that appeared quite late in Truth Arena Season 2, but Amumu made a great impression that made Riot right nerf this general soon after. As one of the first champions to discover the power of the Lightning Crossbow, Amumu not only has a huge amount of control over a wide radius, but can also deal damage with the burning effect of the Fire Tribe to all enemies. .


Having a lot in common with Morgana’s Soul Binding, Amumu’s ability can immobilize enemies in a circular radius around him instantly. However, the effect of 1 star Amumu is quite modest and he is only really strong when he reaches 2 stars with a wide range of effects throughout the board. Because of the huge difference in strength between levels 1 and 2 stars, Amumu made Riot immediately nerf the champion’s 2-star power after just one release.

6. Neeko

Coming to the season 3 of the Arena of Truth, the generals of control continue to be shortened and the generals possessing a large amount of control are increasingly scarce. However, Neeko continued to be kept and this time she was favored by Riot when she changed the Particle Cannon of season 2 to Bloom. With a squad of the same Tribe, there is a serious lack of hard control like with the Mage generals Star GuardianNeeko becomes an indispensable card in the squad.


However, Neeko still has a weakness when despite being a Guardian, being alone in the frontline can cause this champion to be shocked at the beginning of the game. Besides, Bloom’s range is also quite modest, so Neeko can only set control effects to buy time for frontline champions.

7. Gnar

As a very popular champion in season 1 of Teamfight Tactics, Gnar returned in season 3 and was immediately used thanks to his unique control effect. Gnar with the skill of Giant Transformation has long become a trademark when he can knock back the entire enemy squad, including the main defenders in the backline. By being able to pull the backline champions out of the safe zone, Gnar can use his inherent resistance to absorb the damage of the enemy so that the backline can freely “act”. “.


However, Gnar’s skills sometimes bring unnecessary trouble when giving extremely dangerous champions like Jayce or Darius the opportunity to get closer to the main force in the backline than ever before. So be very careful when using Gnar because his crowd control can be a double-edged sword.

8. Janna

The last champion in the list and also the latest champion to appear not too long ago in Teamfight Tactics – TFT season 3. True to her Holy Mother’s name, Janna appeared as a breath of fresh air to add to the already meager amount of control effects of the Star Guardians Wizards squad as well as share the burden with Neeko.


Unlike season 2, which can knock out opponents and stun, Janna of season 3 has a move that can summon multiple tornadoes that can knock up all enemies in her path. With a full board range, Janna can virtually apply crowd control on all enemy champions, interrupting their attack rhythm and giving mages more time to charge up and use. his skills. Therefore, although only appearing in a few versions, Janna quickly won the hearts of players and became one of the indispensable cards if using the Star Guardian Mage squad.​

Source link: Teamfight Tactics – TFT: Top 8 champions with the most annoying control in all 3 seasons (P.2)

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