Synthesize the top 5 most powerful generals in League of Legends 10.19

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For top, mid, jungle, bot, and support lanes

Updates League of Legends 10.19 This time, there weren’t too many changes to keep the league stable World Championship take place this weekend. But the update still has certain tweaks for some generals. So today Funny game will bring you the top 5 strongest generals League of Legends 10.19.

Top champions that Riot has increased and decreased power in League of Legends 10.20 is about to update

The top 5 generals will be ranked according to the winning rate statistics along with the number of turns selected. These champions will help you gain an edge over your opponents in the same lane for higher win rates in ranked matches. Let’s get It Started!

Review the top 5 most powerful generals in the road in League of Legends version 10.18

Top lane: Maokai

Maokai has always dominated the top lane
Maokai has always dominated the top lane

Noxus guillotine has been dethroned and his top dynasty has finally come to an end. In spite of Darius not nerfed, but it seems Maokai are climbing to the top of the top lane. Maokai currently has the highest win rate for Korean servers, with a whopping 53.40%.

Maokai No stranger to meta focus. In fact, both professional and casual players are noted for his resistance so this general has been present in a lot of matches. Maokai Not only does he have good crowd control, but also deals considerable damage thanks to his seedlings. Having a strong top laner that can stop enemy champions and make them die on the way is great control of Maokai.

Jungle: Karthus

Because he is too strong, so strong, Karthus has been blinded and nerfed by Riot in the upcoming 10.20 League
Because he is too strong, so strong, Karthus has been blinded and nerfed by Riot in the upcoming 10.20 League

Death with the nickname of death and still fighting will be an interesting name for the jungle position. With my skill set and smart gameplay suitable for pro players, then Karthus took the crown off Spider Queen after this version. Unlike most other junglers, Karthus Can impact all paths at once with his ultimate.

Even when he was defeated, Karthus can still do a lot of damage. After all, a well-timed ultimate can make even the closest fights in your favor. Though his 1v1 potential may be lacking when compared to the picks Elise and Graves used to be popular, Karthus is still a suitable choice.

Mid lane: Zed

Zed is still sure the best mid rate in League of Legends 10.19
Zed is still sure the best mid rate in League of Legends 10.19

Zed is the only champion to regain his top spot in LOL version 10.19. This shadow assassin can easily capture opponents with his clones, allowing him to join in and escape from skirmishes. Having an excellent mid laner sneaking into the opponent’s backline and plunging down weak champions is a huge advantage, especially in late-game fights.

Bottom lane: Senna

Suddenly hidden appeared and spread terror to the opponent.  That was Senna
Suddenly hidden appeared and spread terror to the opponent. That was Senna

A general that has tried to climb to the top is none other than Senna. Christ can both deal incredible damage with his demonic abilities, and heal himself and any allied champion with Piercing Darkness. Senna currently has a 52.18% win rate and a 12.60% play rate on Korean servers, but this number is expected to increase as more players begin to prioritize her over the coming weeks. .

Support: Blitzcrank

The machine works hard with SP job - support
The machine works hard with SP job – support

The current support meta is quite stable in the 10.19 update. Currently, champions like Lux, Leona and Bard are in the top However, Blitzcrank who won the crown with your win rate. Although he doesn’t have any buffs for any teammates, he does have a lot of crowd control skills. Defeat the important characters of the enemy team at the right time can quickly snowball and win instantaneous victory.

Source link: Synthesize the top 5 most powerful generals in League of Legends 10.19


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