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Synthesize reassuring gem board for all generals in League of Legends

Ngoc recombined good key pearls to be updated on League of Legends version 7.22 to replace the cumbersome of complementary gems, helping to improve the gameplay of gamers.

However, many players still feel unfamiliar with how to build this recombinant gem. Therefore, the Game please share with you the recombinant gem board for all generals League of Legends. Please refer.

Table of pearls reunite League of Legends

YASUO’s top lane reunion jade (KT Smeb’s board)

Jade recombinant 1

General Riven’s Riven Riven’s Reunion Gemstones MIDDLE (With More Cooldown)

ngoc tai to hop 2 - Emergenceingame

YASUO’s Reconstructive Gem Board Top Speed ​​Wind Slashing

Recombinant jade 3


Recombinant jade 4


Jade recombinant 5

The Reunion Gemstone of General YI Going to the Forest

Jade recombinant 6

The Reconstructive Gem Table of General AHRI THE MIDDLE LINE

Jade recombinant 7

The Reunion Gemstones Of General SUPPORT ALISTAR

Jade recombinant 8

The Reunion Jade Board of General ASHE X-MASTER

Ngoc recombinant 10

AURELION SOL Mid Lane Recombination Gemstones

Ngoc recombinant 11


Jade recombinant 12

The Reunion Gemstone of General BRAUM SUPPORT

Jade recombinant 13


Ngoc recombinant 14

The Recombination Gemstones of General CHO’GATH ON THE WAY

Jade recombinant 15

CORKI MID’s Reunion Gemstones

Jade recombinant 16

The Recombination Gemstones of General DARIUS TANK ON THE WAY

Ngoc recombinant 17

The Reconstructive Gemstone of General DIANA THE MIDDLE LINE

Ngoc recombinant 18

EKKO AP’s Reconstructive Gem Board of Midway

Jade recombinant 19

General Evelynn’s Reconstructive Gemstones GO TOGETHER

Jade recombinant 20

The Reunion Gemstone of General GALIO AP THE MIDDLE LINE

Jade recombinant 21

GANGPLANK’s Recombination Gemstone Table of Top Street

Jade recombinant 22

The Reunion Gemstone of General GAREN ON THE ROAD

Jade recombinant 23

The Recombination Gemstone of General GNAR ONLINE

Ngoc recombinant 24

GRAVES General Reunion Table Go to the Jungle

Jade recombinant 25

HECARIM General HECARIM’s Reunion Gemstones Go to the Jungle

Recombinant jade 26

The Recombination Jade Board Of General Irelia Top Road

Recombinant jade 27

Janna’s Reunion Gemstones SUPPORT

Ngoc recombinant 28

General Jarvan’s Reunion Table Go to the Jungle (Full Attack)

Jade recombinant 29

JAX TOP’s Reconstructive Gem Board

Recombinant jade 30

AMUMU General’s Reunion Gemstones Go to the Jungle

Ngoc recombinant 31

The Recombination Gemstones Of General Tristana AD

Recombinant Ngoc 32

JAYCE TOP’s Reconstructed Gem Table (KT Smeb’s Table)

Ngoc recombinant 33

General Jhin’s Reconstructive Gemstones Reappeared

Ngoc recombinant 34


Recombinant jade 35

Reconstructive Gemstones Of General Kalistar ADVERTISEMENT

Ngoc recombinant 36

Karma’s Reconstructive Gem Board SUPPORT

Recombinant jade 37

The Recombination Jade Board of General KATARINA THE MIDDLE LINE

Recombinant jade 38

The Recombination Gemstone Table of General KENNEN AP ON THE WAY

Recombinant jade 39

The Reunion Gem of General Kha’zix GO TO THE FOREST

Jade recombinant 40

Lulu SUPPORT’s Rookie Jade Board

Recombinant jade 41

The Reconstructive Gem Board of General KLED TOP

Recombinant jade 42

RIVEN TOP’s Recombination Gemstones

Ngoc recombinant 43

RYZE MID’s Recombination Gemstones

Recombinant jade 44

General Sejuani’s Reunion Gemstones Go to the Jungle

Ngoc recombinant 45

The Reunion Gemstones Of General SHEN TOP

Jade recombinant 46

The Reunion Gemstone of General Sivir ADVERTISEMENT

Ngoc recombinant 47

General Skarner’s Reconstructive Gemstones GO the forest

Ngoc recombinant 48

The Reunion Gemstone of General SONA SUPPORT

Ngoc recombinant 49

General SORAKA’s Reunion Jade SUPPORT (Resist)

Ngoc recombinant 50

General Tahm Kench’s Reconstructive Gem Table ON THE WAY

Ngoc recombinant 51

Talon MID’s Reunion Gemstones

Ngoc recombinant 52

The Reunion Gemstone of General Teemo TOP

Ngoc recombinant 53

SUPPORTING General Thresh’s Reconstructive Gem Board

Ngoc recombinant 54

Trundle TOP’s Reconstructive Gem Board

Ngoc recombinant 55

Champion Twitch’s Roster Roster (KT Deft Panel)

Ngoc recombinant 56

The Recombination Gemstones Of General Urgot TOP

Ngoc recombinant 57

General Varus’s Reunion Gemstones Rivaled

Ngoc recombinant 58

General Vayne’s Reunion Gemstone Reappears

Ngoc recombinant 59

The Recombination Gemstone Table Of General Veigar AP MID

Ngoc recombinant 60

General Vel’koz AP MID’s Reconstructive Gem Board

Ngoc recombinant 61

Viktor’s General Viktor’s Reconstruction Gemstone The Middle Way

Jade recombinant 62

General Vladimir MID’s Reunion Gemstone (Table of KT PawN)

Ngoc recombinant 63

General Volibear JUNGLE’s Reunion Gemstones

Ngoc recombinant 64

Warwick General’s Recombination Gemstones GO TOGETHER

Recombinant Ngoc 65

General Wukong’s Reunion Gemstones Go to the Jungle

Ngoc recombinant 66

Xayah General Xayah’s Reconstructive Gemstone (Table of WildTurtle)

Ngoc recombinant 67

General Xin Zhao’s Reconstructed Gem Board GO TO FOREST

Ngoc recombinant 68

The Reconstructive Gem Board of General Yi ON THE WAY

Ngoc recombinant 69

Yorick’s Reconstructive Gemstones ON THE WAY

Ngoc recombinant 70

General ZAC’s Reunion Gemstones GOING FOREST

Ngoc recombinant 71

The Reappearance of General ZED MID

Ngoc recombinant 72

The Reappearance of General Ziggs MID

Ngoc recombinant 73

ZYRA MID’s Reunion Gemstones

Ngoc recombinant 74

The Reunion Gemstone of General ZYRA SUPPORT

Ngoc recombinant 75

LUCIAN TOP / MID / ADC General’s Reconstructive Gemstones

Recombinant Ngoc 76

The Reunion Gemstone of General SUPPORT TARIC

Ngoc recombinant 77

General Soraka’s Reunion Jade SUPPORT (Inspiration Gem)

Ngoc recombinant 78

General Rumble TOP’s Reconstructive Gem Board

Ngoc recombinant 79

Rek’Sai’s Rek’Sai Reconstructive Gem Board in the Forest

Ngoc recombinant 80

The Reconstructive Gem Board Of General Kayn Going To The Forest

Ngoc recombinant 81

Recombination Table Of General Akali Middle Road

Ngoc recombinant 82

The Reconstructed Gem Board of General Camille TOP

Ngoc recombinant 83

Fiora TOP General Fiora TOP Reconstructed Gem Board

Ngoc recombinant 84

Shen TOP’s Reconstructive Gem Board

Ngoc recombinant 85

General Singed TOP’s Reconstruction Gemstone (Table of C9 Impact)

Jade recombinant 86

The Recombination Gemstones Of General Tryndamere TOP

Ngoc recombinant 87

Reappearance of General Kog’Maw ADVERTISEMENT

Ngoc recombinant 88

General LeBlanc’s Reconstructive Gemstone MIDDLE LINE

Ngoc recombinant 89

General Lee Sin’s Reunion Gemstones GO the Forest

Ngoc recombinant 90

General Leona’s Reunion Gemstones SUPPORT

Ngoc recombinant 91

The Recombination Gemstones Of General LUX AP MID

Ngoc recombinant 92

The Recombination Gemstones Of General MALPHITE TOP

Ngoc recombinant 93

General MAOKAI TOP’s Reconstructive Gem Board

Ngoc recombinant 94

The Reconstructed Gem Board of General MUNDO TOP

Ngoc recombinant 95

The Reunion Gemstone of General NAMI SUPPORT

Ngoc recombinant 96

NASUS TOP’s Reconstructed Gem Board DAMAGE

Ngoc recombinant 97

The Recombination Gemstone Table of General NASUS TOP TANK

Ngoc recombinant 98

NIDALEE’s Reunion Gemstones Go to the Jungle

99 recombinant jade

General Nocturne’s Reunion Gemstones GOing to the Jungle

100 recombinant jade

General NUNU’s Reunion Gemstones Go to the Jungle

Jade recombinant 101

Orianna MID’s Reunion Gemstones

Ngoc recombinant 102

The Reconstructive Gem Board of General Quinn AD ON THE WAY

Ngoc recombinant 103

General Rakan’s Reconstructive Gem Board SUPPORT

Jade recombinant 104

General Rammus’s Reunion Gem Go to the Jungle

Ngoc recombinant 105

Renekton TOP Reconstructed Gem Board

Jade recombinant 106

RENGAR’s Reunion Gemstones GO TOGETHER

Ngoc recombinant 107

Thus, the game fun has just introduced to you the reunion pearl table for all generals in the League of Legends.

Wish you have fun playing the game!

Source link: Synthesize reassuring gem board for all generals in League of Legends

– https://emergenceingames.com/

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