Pokemon can be considered as a common childhood memory of many people, along with the recent Pokemon craze, this topic is also becoming increasingly hot in the online community around the world. Therefore, when the “weaponization” of famous Pokemon was released by illustrator Rico Busalpa, netizens had to “twist” because it was too good.
These weapons are both cool and quality, bearing the unique characteristics of each Pokemon, making anyone crave, many gamers have to wish these weapons would appear in a certain game. related to Pokemon.
1. Ponyta
2. Blastoise
3. Pichu
4. Absol
5. Umbreon & Espeon
6. Cherrim
7. Sableye
8. Steelix
9. Kyogre
10. Bulbasaur
11. Haunter
12. Eevee
13. Venusaur
14. Aggron & Charizard
15. Mewtwo & Scizorite
16. Raikou & Suicune
17. Ninetales & Houndoom
18. Entei & Moltres
19. Arcanine & Blazikenite
20. Gastly & Raichu
21. Golbat
22. Gyarados
23. Pikachu
24. MetalGarurumon
25. Pidgeot & Garudamon
26. Dialga & Palkia & Giratina
Source link: Stunned by the “cool” look of Pokemon when weaponized
– Emergenceingames.com