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Strange story Miss VLTKm – The giant female self-financed “back” to lead the chart?

As reported, Miss’s contest Martial Arts Mobile being held for the first time is attracting the attention of a larger number of gamers participating in this community than ever before. Just spent the first week, the competition between the contestants has proved extremely fierce when the rankings are constantly changing at the “speed of light” that no one can predict.

According to Gamhub’s latest update from VLTK Mobile’s homepage, she is leading the list of female contestants WonderFarm from _Family_ server 321 Am Thien state with 18,500 flowers. Followed by the contestants from server 471, 472, 162 with very impressive scores and quite close.​


WonderFarm’s standing at the top is probably nothing too surprising or questionable to discuss. Because this is a contest where the decision lies in the votes of the audience. The number of Red Roses that each contestant receives will determine whether the contestant will be able to continue or not. Therefore, the fact that a contestant is at the top according to the general opinion of many people is simply because she is loved by many people, or it is also thanks to an anonymous giant standing in the back post “against”. back”.

However, the special thing is that, not only leading in the contestants’ rankings, WonderFarm is also the name leading the flower givers chart with nearly 22,000 flowers donated.


A person herself is both the person who is given the most and also the person who gives the most, which inevitably raises the suspicion that this female gamer has “broke the law” to give her own flowers. for myself? Of course, this does not violate the rules of the BTC contest, but it also makes people, namely other contestants, feel bewildered. In addition to the flowers they gave me, WonderFarm also generously spent more than 3000 flowers to give to other sisters.

But all of the above is just speculation, maybe everything is just a coincidence when she generously gives flowers to everyone and is generously given flowers back by everyone? Because it’s fair to say that our WonderFarm female gamer is also very pretty, cute, not inferior to any hotgirl, it’s not too difficult to receive so much love and vote from everyone. understand, right?


It can be seen that since the official launch until now, the rankings among the contestants have not stopped changing. That proves the fierceness in this “unpredictable” and “uncompromising” beauty battle. Any surprises can happen at any time, even at the last moment. While there are more than 8 days left, the preliminary round of the contest has officially closed, so the numbers at the moment can’t say anything. It is possible that the reclusive elements will be revealed to shine at the last minute.


I don’t know on this fierce competition, which face will be worthy of becoming a representative of the beauty and talent of millions of female VLTK Mobile gamers. All is still a mystery, so let’s keep an eye on the contest and wait for the final results!

More information about the contest can be found at: http://vltkm.zing.vn/su-kien/miss-vo-lam-truyen-ky-mobile/phan-thuong.html

Learn more about VLTK Mobile at:
Homepage VLTK Mobile: http://vltkm.zing.vn/
Download the game: https://go.onelink.me/Cvd7/3b2760fd
Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/vltkm.zing.vn/​​

Source link: Strange story Miss VLTKm – The giant female self-financed “back” to lead the chart?
– Emergenceingames.com

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