Venom Spider-Man is one of Spider-Man’s mortal rivals, originally a parasitic creature from a galaxy far, far away in the universe. Not only possessing formidable superpowers such as super strength, amazing healing ability and a venom suit with terrible physical endurance, Venom is also impressed by his extremely hideous appearance.
With the intention of launching a new manga called “Venom”, Marvel Comics knew the times and released the design when the Super hero infected with this parasite. After the heroes “mutate” again, how many people can you recognize?
1. X-23
2. Doctor Octopus
3. Black Panther
4. Captain America
5. Nova & Scott Summers
6. Deadpool
7. Valkyrie
8. Doctor Strange
9. Ghost Rider
10. She-Hulk
11. Black Bolt
12. Iron Man
13. Kingpin
14. Man-Thing
15. Wolverine
16. Spider-Man
17. Thanos
18. Captain Marvel
19. Hulk or The Beast?
20. White Tiger
Source link: Shivering with Venom version superheroes