Since the start of the Alpha Test phase last year, the community Rise of Nowlin has grown exponentially. Rise of Nowlin is a Mobile MMORPG Tough PVP is set in a huge open world. The game is now available in Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, and recently the launch of the Indonesian server. Currently, Rise of Nowlin has 4 servers with tens of thousands of gamers in the region. The operations team believes that all players deserve stable and enjoyable experiences, especially for mobile MMORPGs that require frequent real-time interaction between players like Rise of Nowlin.
That means all players in Rise of Nowlin have access to diverse game content; such as the latest Level 80 update, which includes a new Arathor Map, a more engaging PvP system, stronger Boss Monsters, and other upgrade adjustments to items and equipment. Therefore, the publisher Dunia Games campaign is running server merge called MIDDLE EAST to bring all content to all players.
first. Fairy Lake and Endless Ruins will be merged into Honor Grounds. Players in Fairy Lake and Endless Ruins will lose their ranking position and other related data. Players will be able to keep 3 top level characters on all servers with the same account. If the character level is duplicated, we will keep the character with the highest payout, the other characters will be deleted.
2. Soul Stone and Fodder C will be included in the item shop. It’s time to strengthen Totem and Mount!
3. We changed the Lucky Wheel rewards to make the event more interesting by bringing back Gems LV7 & LV10. Don’t worry, Lucky Wheel rewards also include Gold and PDO.
4. World Boss will bring more rewards. There are 24 types of LV6 stones, 24 boxes of PDO. The reward from the World Boss will be determined by the last hit, so the person who takes the last hit will have the right to steal the desired reward. So let’s work together to take down the World Boss. In addition, killing the World Boss also gives the player EXP.
5. Reduced EXP from PvP Light vs Dark and Guild War modes.
6. The installation process can be continued in the game. Players only need about 300mb to play the game from the beginning. Invite your friends to the game and get lots of rewards!
7. Some translation errors have now been fixed.
8. Character status and rank titles have been changed and have a better appearance.
Readers can download the game on the AppStore and GooglePlay.
Source link: Rise of Nowlin – World of Warcraft Mobile version is here?