Many people know that confidence is very important in sports. According to the latest research, this is indeed the case, with strong evidence. Confidence is a powerful tool for success in gaming. New research published by Psychology of Sport and Exercise. (Sports and exercise psychology).
The study was tested on 82 people aged 18 to 32, participating in CSGO to kill bot level experts, to see who was faster.
Maciej Behnke, head of the psychology and health laboratory at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznán, Poland, said the bot was used to “limit external influences” on participants’ abilities. The winner will receive a bonus so it is re-imagined to resemble the pressure and motivation in an esports event.
Players are asked to rate their skills against opponents using a “seven point scale with 1 (‘extremely poor skill’) to 7 (‘extremely skilled’). They were then given their results after each round, and the researchers told some of the participants that their scores were worse or better than they did.
Using this method, the researchers “changed the way players rated themselves, but this didn’t change their ability to shoot,” Behnke said. While players rated their skills differently from what the researchers told them, their true abilities were an approximation of their true ratings.
This conclusion is supported by another study by the Behnke team with FIFA gamers, using a similar approach with 241 male gamers.
That study focused on the impact of pre-match emotions on playability. Gamers were shown videos before every 5 rounds to stimulate emotions of “excited, angry, sad or excited”.
Negative emotions like anger didn’t help, according to Behnke, but positive emotions “boosted gamers’ motivation” and helped them score better. “Gamers will probably want to know what makes them perform better,” Behnke said of the study’s findings.
“Most individuals (including researchers) who don’t know much about esports and games might think that games are fueled by violence, anger… and all sorts of other ominous moves,” Kaczmarek said. or “This is not true.”
Behnke said the researchers are trying to broaden the scope of esports research. “The field is rife with research on the ‘bad effects’ of games, but we must not forget about the positive aspects of playing,” he said.
Behnke and Kaczmarek’s research has opened the door to using esports in research in other areas.
“The game itself is an environment and a place where we can comfortably observe a player performing at his best,” said Kaczmarek. “This makes our research findings interesting not only to gamers but also to researchers in the fields of emotion, psychology and social psychology.”
Source link: Research shows that confidence, positive attitude helps you play better games