Playing the game Free Fire is “drunk”, try the following immediately

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In addition to “car sickness” or “sunstroke”, did you know that you can also get “game sickness”? A lot of game players have experienced game-induced symptoms like headaches, dizziness and nausea, especially from FPS titles like Free Fire , PUBG or COD. So what is “game sickness” and is there any measure to combat “game sickness”?

A lot of people have been dizzy and even feel nauseous while playing FPS games like Free Fire, PUBG nice Call of Duty Warzone . With its fast-paced battles and first-person perspective, many gamers have experienced a feeling similar to motion sickness. Up to 20-50% of people in the world are allergic to movements in virtual environments, simulators and game environments. In this article, will give you all you need to know about the feeling of “game drunk”, including causes and measures to combat dizziness and nausea when playing games.

how to get drunk when playing free fire

If playing Free Fire is “drunk”, gamers should try the following 4 ways right away

See also: List of game modes in Free Fire

1. What is “Game Drunk”?

Play free fire game to get drunk or collect the following methods immediately

Getting sick from playing games is often called Simulator Sickness (roughly translated as “simulator disease”). It occurs because of an inconsistency between what your eyes see and what your body perceives. The same experience can happen any time you think you’re on the go when it really isn’t. For example, if you are sitting in a parked car when the car next to you starts backing up, you may think you are moving while the car you are sitting in is still and that could cause a hangover feeling in your gut.

2. Why does playing games cause dizziness and nausea?

Humans have a good sense of spatial perception. We’re incredibly good at knowing when we’re standing, when we’re lying down, when we’re face down, and when we’re rolling, falling, or startling. Thanks to a continuous feedback loop between our eyes, inner ear, and total sensory system, we know exactly where we are in physical space.

However, when there is a disconnection between one part of that feedback loop and another, the result is often dizziness and nausea. The technical name for this phenomenon is signal collision. It’s not entirely clear why conflicting signals make us feel unwell, but the most prominent theory is that feeling “intoxicated” mimics the effects of toxins and our bodies want to clear the toxins. That makes us feel the need to vomit.

Play free fire game to get drunk or collect the following methods 2

So why do so many people get “game sickness”? To understand why so many video games can make you sick, we have to look at both sides: the game and ourselves. How these two interact is key to why. Some games have two types of movement going on at the same time that make the player intoxicated. This often happens with first and third person shooter games like Free Fire, COD, PUBG…

Besides, your fingers and the screen move, but your body stays still. Yes, your body is fixed in the chair, but your eyes sense the game in motion, thanks to the fast-paced 3D action on the screen. Like when you’re on a train, the conflict between environmental cues causes the appearance of nausea in a significant number of populations.

As games grow in complexity, they can realistically mimic the movements of 3D characters. The richest example of this is the first-person shooter (FPS) genre, where you can see through your character’s eyes.

What can you do to minimize the feeling of nausea when playing FPS games? There are many measures that can be effective, most of which involve minimizing or eliminating signal conflicts in the environment.

3. Solutions to know when you are “sick game”

Adjust frame rate

FPS is the frame rate per second. Frame rate determines the number of images a graphics card can produce in a second. This means that the more images your graphics card draws, the better the quality of the graphics. As a result, you can feel that the movement is smoother.

Play free fire games to get drunk or collect the following methods 3

When FPS fluctuates, it will make players feel dizzy and nauseous, especially when playing FPS games like Free Fire or Call of Duty: Warzone. You should keep the frame rate at 40 to 60 FPS to avoid getting drunk.

Move slowly, don’t turn your gaze constantly

The constant redirection is one of the main reasons why you are “game-sick”. For example, when playing computer games, many players hover around to observe the surrounding area to look for enemies or just to… enjoy the view.

Besides, some players want to start the match quickly and constantly look around for a target to fight. But it will make you dizzy when you rotate your vision. So play slowly. You need to give your eyes time to get used to the game environment and the pace of the match.

Don’t stick your eyes too close to the screen

Your sitting position and the distance between your eyes and the screen also affect how you feel while playing FPS games. If you stick your eyes too close to the screen, you will feel dizzy because your eyes and body experience different things. Your eyes are focused on the battlefield on screen while your body is in real life. It makes you feel unbalanced and nauseous.

Play free fire game or get drunk immediately after 4

Practice and experience a lot to overcome the feeling of “game drunk”

One of the best ways to overcome the symptom of “game sickness” when playing Free Fire or Call of Duty is to practice to improve resistance, just as riding a lot will get you used to the feeling of sitting in the car and gradually overcome the feeling of motion sickness. However, beginners should play the game for a short amount of time each day and gradually increase the time to get used to the movement and tempo in the game.

If you get occasional headaches or nausea, or even do it often when playing games, you’re not alone. Many other players have been experiencing symptoms caused by video games for years. And the above article has shown the reasons why you are “game-sick”, as well as some measures that you can apply to overcome that feeling and continue to experience your favorite FPS games.
Link to download Free Fire game on Android and iOS devices:

=> Link Download Free Fire for PC
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=> Link Download Free Fire for Android
download now android - Emergenceingame

=> Link Download Free Fire for iPhone
download now ios - Emergenceingame

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If you get drunk when playing Free Fire, try the following ways right away

, what to do to prevent game sickness, why get drunk when playing FPS games,

Source link: Playing the game Free Fire is “drunk”, try the following immediately

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