Outline comparing the image of the moon in the poem Comrade, Fishing Boat, Moonlight

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Outline comparing the image of the moon in the poem Comrade, Fishing Boat, Moonlight

1. Opening lesson

Briefly introduce the image of moonlight in three poems Comrade, Fishing Boat, Moonlight

2. Body

a. The common point in the description of the moonlight in the three poems of the authors
– The authors consider the moonlight as a close confidant to express thoughts, feelings and emotions.
– Moonlight appears in close attachment to human life.

b. The unique beauty of the image of moonlight through each poem
– Moonlight in the poem “Comrade”: It is a symbol of the beauty of soldier Uncle Ho as well as the beauty of comradeship.
+ Suggests a lot of ideas about war and peace, realism and romance.
+ Successfully sketching the beauty of a soldier blending with the poetic soul of the peasant soldiers in the army during the resistance war against the French.
– Moonlight in the poem “Fishing boats”
+ “Our boat drives the wind with the moon sail”, “The boat has a high moon beat”:

  • Shows the journey to the sea full of the joy of the workers.
  • Recreate the fisherman’s position of mastering nature, evoking a majestic labor song.

+ “My tail fish wags the golden moon”: Evoking the beauty of the sea in its wealth and abundance of natural resources.
– Moonlight in the poem “Moonlight”:
+ Suggesting the “tri-reverence” relationship between humans and nature.
+ “Moon of gratitude” is full, full of loyalty and loyalty, with a “silent” attitude.
→ Reminds me of a life of faithfulness, gratitude, and respect for the past.

3. Conclusion

Evaluation of the value of the depiction of moonlight through three poems.

See the sample article: Compare the image of the moon in the poem Comrade, Fishing Boat, Moonlight


After reading the content of the article compare the image of the moon in the poem Comrade, Fishing Boat, Moonlight, You can learn more about the 3 poems by referring to some of them Good essay for grade 9 other like: Analysis of the poem Comrade by Chinh HuuFeel the poem Moonlight by Nguyen Duy, My thoughts after learning Huy Can’s poem The Fishing BoatAnalysis of Huy Can’s poem The Fishing Boat.

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Source link: Outline comparing the image of the moon in the poem Comrade, Fishing Boat, Moonlight
– Emergenceingames.com

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