Odin: Valhalla Rising – The ultimate MMORPG closes the release date

Odin Valhalla Rising Cuc pham MMORPG chot ha ngay phat hanh01 - Emergenceingame

The ODIN project was first announced in October 2019. This is a collaborative product between the developer Lionheart Studio and publisher Kakao Games. Recently, an online showcase event was held to announce the official launch date of ODIN: Valhalla Rising in Korea – June 29, 2021. ODIN: Valhalla Rising uses technology Unreal Engine 4 and will launch simultaneously on both mobile and PC platforms.

Kakao Games affirmed that ODIN: Valhalla Rising will be the game that shows the best graphics and technology as well as the best MMORPG of 2021. Lionheart Studio shared their philosophy, focusing on “creating a world A world where heroes are filled with contradictions, the line between good and evil is thin, a dynamic world that changes according to the player’s choices.”


Some of the technological highlights of ODIN: Valhalla Rising are the huge non-loading world, activities such as climbing cliffs, architecture, flying around the world and even finding treasure hidden in the lake or other secret spots. The combat factor in ODIN: Valhalla Rising doesn’t just depend on auto mode. Players need to manually control some mandatory skills after using the basic skills.

Gods like Odin, Thor and Loki will appear as battlefield bosses for guilds with legendary level rewards. Additionally, guilds will have massive PVP battles, the first of which is now known as the “Battle of Valhalla”. Follow Emergenceingame.Com for the latest updates on ODIN: Valhalla Rising!

Source link: Odin: Valhalla Rising – The ultimate MMORPG closes the release date
– Emergenceingames.com

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