Not Miss Fortune, Ezreal is the champion with the most skins in League of Legends ezreal nhieu skin nhat 2 - Emergenceingame

Gamer League of Legends Surely everyone knows that Miss Fortune is a general who has the most skins in League of Legends. And in a way, no champion can “surpass” this girl for many years. However, now Miss Fortune’s No. 1 position has been overthrown by another general with the name Ezreal.

It’s hard to believe skins Ezreal’s new version now comes with the Prestige version, bringing the total number of skins of this champion to 15, surpassing Miss Fortune’s 14. So, Ezreal is now officially the champion with the most skins in League of Legends.

Prestige Psyops Is one skin stunning and remarkable that Ezreal has in the latest version of League Legends, 10.16.

The skin group called Psyops will be available on champions: Ezreal, Master Yi, Shen, Vi and Sona. In addition, Ezreal will have a Premium version for this skin, which means that Ezreal alone will have 2 new skins at once.

While it’s still unclear when these skins will be playable on the live servers, they will go on sale once they’re introduced on the PBE to ensure there aren’t any visual glitches or any other issues. What happens to these skins?


If gamers want to be able to own one of these new skins, try to save RP now because this new group of skins will certainly not be cheap.

The group Psyops skins was released on test servergamers can fully experience these new skins first and then decide whether to buy at the main server or not.

Source link: Not Miss Fortune, Ezreal is the champion with the most skins in League of Legends

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