After the Anime series Dragon Ball Super officially closed, fans 7 Dragon Balls continue to look forward to the theatrical version of the film with plot details that further push the journey of Goku. However until now Dragon Ball Super Movie remained silent, almost did not reveal any information about the background as well as the film’s characters.
However, until recently, information about the film’s new villain began to be revealed, letting fans know that this is a Saiyan from the past and will become a direct threat to Goku .
Continuing to thicken the mystery surrounding this character, the film producer has recently released a new Poster. Through this Poster, viewers can recognize the image of this Saiyan character with the typical blue color and details from the type of battle armor of the ancient Saiyans. The facial expression of this character is also nothing for the cam when it comes to showing brutality and bestiality.
An interesting thing is that this character’s internal strength as well as his hair have a dark blue point, raising the question of whether he can transform Super Saiyan in a completely new direction compared to before. Many people hypothesize that what if there were Saiyans who survived the past but still kept the arrogant and violent nature inherent in their ancestors? What if they could transform Super Saiyans in a completely different direction, as opposed to the more “human” versions of Goku and Vegeta?
Perhaps these questions can only be answered when Dragon Ball Super Movie Officially released later this year.
Source link: New images of Dragon Ball Super Movie let fans see the villain more clearly