New content in PUBG Mobile version 0.9.5

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In the near future, the survival shooter PUBG Mobile will be updated to version 0.9.5. At the moment PUBG Mobile China is at version 0.10 with a lot of new content. Therefore, in this updated version that makes gamers extremely excited, we will have a lot of changes to narrow the gap between the two international PUBG Mobile and Chinese PUBG Mobile battle royale versions. Even during this time PUBG Mobile VNG may also appear.

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Each update of PUBG Mobile brings many interesting changes that make gamers extremely happy, surely PUBG Mobile 0.9.5 is no exception. The first thing we want to talk about is the Hardcore game mode itself – this is PUBG’s much-loved mode for PC. Along with that are the new content that will definitely be very attractive related to weapons, vehicles, etc.. Follow the article below to be ready to update PUBG Mobile to version 0.9.5.

Summary of new content of PUBG Mobile 0.9.5

first. Royale Pass Season 4: Along with the new Update, Royale Pass Season 4 will also launch PUBG Mobile, which is receiving great attention.

2. New weapons: The Beryl M762 will appear on all Maps. In fact, Beryl M762 was present in PUBG Mobile version 0.9 but has not been acknowledged by the game’s operating team and put in updated information. The Beryl M762 is a modernized gun from the classic AK version. M762 uses 7.62mm ammunition similar to AKM, but in terms of damage, it is somewhat more loss. But also because the M762 has weaker firepower that it can fire at a faster speed, allowing higher damage over time than AKM. To pick up Beryl M762, gamers will have to destroy the enemy Bot and loot items from them. This gun is noted on the Erangel and Sanhok maps. Since version 0.9.5, it will be actively loot by gamers instead of dependencies like version 0.9.

The Beryl M762 gun

3. New vehicles: As we mentioned in the article that the most powerful vehicles on Maps Sanhok, the Scooter will appear. Scooter is a new motorbike dedicated to Map Sanhok, suitable for couples who like to go wild between PUBG Mobile battlefields.

4. Map Sanhok added weather system: sunny, rainy and foggy. These types of weather change randomly according to the length of the match.

5. New Hardcore Modes: This mode will bring a closer experience to the PC version. Hardcore mode will have no automatic pick-up function, completely removing gun direction hints and footsteps direction on the Mini Map. This mode will be available periodically.

Royale Pass Season 4

6. Add Skin: New guns, clothes, character looks and hairstyles.

7. Tweak the player’s reward redemption feature.

8. Added Mission Cards – Mission card.

9. Adding Event: Allow Packs to have a strong discount during Black Friday.

10. Increase the odds of having gifts for certain types of chests.

The above is all new content of PUBG Mobile version 0.9.5. Hopefully these changes will quickly update gamers and bring a truly engaging experience.

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