First held in 1996 in Japan, Tokyo Game Show currently the world’s second largest video game fair after E3. The fair is a place for developers to introduce their games and a place where gaming enthusiasts can visit and enjoy the best and most beautiful new titles.
Today Tokyo Game Show revealed the award winning games in this fair, Monster Hunter: World won big with the top prize.
Monster Hunter: World is a title action game adventure adventure developed by Capcom and has received critical acclaim around the globe. In Monster Hunter: World, players will transform into a hunter to explore a mystical land called New World, players must use their flexible mind and intelligence to survive in the wild. a world full of dangers and constant change. Players can cooperate with each other to hunt and kill monsters, players also have a private area to meet and compete with each other, this creates a tight community for the game. In addition, the gameplay of Monster Hunter: World has a lot of improvements compared to previous versions, creating a rich and diverse gameplay with flexible changes.
Some other awards in Tokyo Game Show 2018:
Global Award (For domestic titles): The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild
Global Award (For foreign titles): Call of Duty World War II
Best selling game: Dragon Quest XI
Excellent game title: Super Mario Odyssey, Undertale, Call of Duty World War II, Pokemon Ultra Sun/Moon, Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Fate/Grand Order, Dragon Quest XI, Splatoon 2, Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG), Monster Hunter WorldFortnite
Source link: Monster Hunter: World wins big at Tokyo Game Show 2018