Mistakes to avoid when designing Base in Clash of Clans

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Clash of Clans is no stranger to those who love games in general and construction games, strategy games in particular. It can be considered as a different, newer and more beautiful version of the classic Empire game. There are many similarities in gameplay, gameplay, use of troops, defense layout or even the way of building a base (Base) between these two games.

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To be able to play well Clash of Clans, not only need experience, understanding of the characters and features in the game, but even the layout of the army, how to build the base, also has no impact. small to the quality, the outcome of the game.

Deadly mistakes when building Base in the game Clash of Clans

If you are still designing your Base by inspiration and don’t have a specific rule, then chances are you made one of the serious mistakes to avoid while building Clash of Clans Base. What are those mistakes, let’s find out?

Mistake 1: Building Base wall layer is too weak and thin

Wall construction

Create a space between the two layers of the wall to avoid easy damage

The base wall is the only thing that prevents the opponent from attacking buildings and your Town Hall, how the wall design and construction will determine the enemy’s attack speed, their defense ability. the player as well as destroying their troops.


It is advisable to leave space between the front and back layers of the wall, because if built too close, it is possible that a Wall Breaker can destroy both layers at the same time.

In addition, if you are more skilled, you can also create these Funneling – are fake paths, leading to a location with traps or ambushes that you have designed before to trick the opponent.

Mistake 2: Unreasonable Base division

Base shape

Divide the base into many small compartments

One thing every player is clear about is that the bases are all built in a closed fashion, with many different small cells. But how to find a reasonable design is certainly not an easy problem. If the layout, the design is unreasonable, just one wave of attack, the entire enemy’s army could flood the house and destroy you easily.


Should divide the base into many small cells, each cell is separated by walls with a design with the distance as mentioned above. This will give you more coping time, because when you get hit on one cell, the enemy will not be able to immediately attack the structure in another cell.

Mistake 3: Indiscriminate defense

Defensive layout

Arrange defense rationally and scientifically to achieve maximum efficiency

The defense system is to protect the Town Hall, each system has a different function, and not always much is good. The wrong layout, indiscriminately without proper calculation, science will backfire and sometimes waste resources in vain.


It is advisable to arrange the defense system in a scientific and reasonable way, because if placed too close together, the types of troops like Hog Rider, Dragon, or Ballon can once destroy many of your defenses.

Important defensive structures are placed in the middle, then to other lower levels such as: Mortar, Wizard Tower, Tesla, Air Defense …

Mistake 4: Wrong position of Clan Castle

Clan castle

Clan Castle is always centrally located

As is known, Clan Castle is the strongest defense system in the game Clash of Clans. It can automatically attack the enemy, broad coverage and protection, but that’s why, if many CoCers have taken advantage of this point to lure, to lure all the soldiers in your Clan Castle out, If the layout is skewed, unreasonable, this solid defense system is also completely useless.


Should design, place Clan Castle in the center, center of the base. This both helps to make the most of its broad defense, while also limiting the enemy’s use of bait, luring soldiers inside the Castle before attacking.

Mistake 5: Putting all buildings in the Base wall

Clash of Clans wall - Emergenceingame

Do not put all the buildings in the Base wall

Another mistake made by the new Clash of Clans player is, to put all buildings in the base to avoid destruction. This is extremely wrong and unnecessary. Consider this, if the enemy attacks, or even kills one Barracks or your Laboratory, is that really the problem?


When building and designing the base as well as buildings, should calculate, which is important, what is not, is it necessary to put it on the base or not? Because if put all in, it will take a lot of time to build, and not effective.

Moreover, if the unimportant structures are left out, sometimes it will deflect the enemy’s attack, you will have more time to prepare and destroy more or less soldiers.

Mistake 6: Try to protect all buildings

Distribution of defense

There is no need to try to protect every building from being attacked

Defending when being attacked is natural, but also needs to be calculated, what needs to be protected, what can be sacrificed. This will help you concentrate troops and tactics for your purpose better.


Always remember, just protect important resources such as Dark Elixir, Gold or Elixir, Clan Castle, Town Hall … Ignore Barrack, Army Camp, Spell house, or even mining mines. Waterfall unfinished (unless there are redundant troops).

These structures can be placed in different cells, and at a distance from each other to prolong the attack time, thinly divide the enemy’s force to easily deal with.

Base design to achieve maximum efficiency in defense must be a question for everyone when participating in the game Clash of Clans, so Download.vn hope the above article is not only Help everyone to build a good, solid and reasonable Base, but also can recognize the weaknesses of any base when robbing or War Clan.

Wish you all success!

Source link: Mistakes to avoid when designing Base in Clash of Clans
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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