List of general generals in League of Legends

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As we all know, League of Legends – Strategy game Moba 5vs5 newest of Riot Games based League of Legends Has officially docked Android and iOS mobile platforms on December 7, 2020How many champions will be released by Riot? Let’s take a look at the full list of generals with roles such as Assassin, Gladiator, Mage, Gunner, Support and Blocker.

Currently, only a few champions appear in League of Legends
Currently, only a few champions appear in League of Legends

How many champions are there in League of Legends?

At the time of Rapid Chien’s launch, there were a total of more than 47 champions with 6 roles such as:

  • Assassin.
  • Fighter.
  • Magician.
  • Archer.
  • Support.
  • Blocking.

List of 11 Assassin Generals Speed ​​War


  1. Ahri
  2. Akali
  3. Evelynn
  4. Fiora
  5. Fizz
  6. Kaisa
  7. Lee Sin
  8. Master Yi
  9. Vayne
  10. Yasuo
  11. Zed

List of 16 Gladiator generals in Speed ​​War


  1. Camille
  2. Dr. Mundo
  3. Fiora
  4. Garen
  5. Graves
  6. Jarvan IV
  7. Jax
  8. Lee Sin
  9. Master Yi
  10. Nasus
  11. Olaf
  12. Shyvana
  13. Tryndamere
  14. Because
  15. Xin Zhao
  16. Yasuo

List of 19 Mage Generals in Express War


  1. Ahri
  2. Annie
  3. Aurelion Sol
  4. Ezreal
  5. Fizz
  6. Gragas
  7. Janna
  8. Jhin
  9. Lux
  10. Miss Fortune
  11. Nami
  12. Orianna
  13. Seraphine
  14. Signed
  15. Sona
  16. Soraka
  17. Twisted Fate
  18. Varus
  19. Ziggs

List of 10 Mage Generals in Speed ​​War


  1. Ashe
  2. Ezreal
  3. Graves
  4. Jhin
  5. Jinx
  6. Kaisa
  7. Miss Fortune
  8. Twisted Fate
  9. Varus
  10. Vayne

List of 12 Support Generals – Support in Express War


  1. Alistar
  2. Annie
  3. Ashe
  4. Blitzcrank
  5. Braum
  6. Janna
  7. Lux
  8. Nami
  9. Orianna
  10. Seraphine
  11. Sona
  12. Soraka

List of 13 tankers – Tanker in Rapid War


  1. Alistar
  2. Amumu
  3. Blitzcrank
  4. Braum
  5. Dr. Mundo
  6. Garen
  7. Gragas
  8. Jarvan IV
  9. Malphite
  10. Nasus
  11. Shyvana
  12. Signed
  13. Xin Zhao

Thus, the player can easily recognize that a general can take on many roles such as Gunner Mage, Assassin Gladiator or Support Mage. In the next updated version of Speed ​​Chien, the number of champions revealed by Riot will reach more than 90 champions, which is twice as many as currently. There will be more options for players to freely experience League of Legends mobile version.

Source link: List of general generals in League of Legends


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