Event League of Legends The latest takes place to celebrate the line skins following the title’s newest spy theme, PsyOps. Fans will have just under a month to participate in the event and earn rewards with tokens.
Like Continent Flowersline PsyOps skins will be released in two parts. The first series of skins, including PsyOps Sona, Master Yi, Vi, Shen and Ezreal, are now available in our store. League of Legends. But there will also be a second set of PsyOps skins released with the next update. This second round of gear will include PsyOps for Kayle, Zed, Viktor, Pyke and Samirathe upcoming marksman of League.
During the event, players will be able to earn tokens that can be exchanged for event-specific rewards. To earn cards, players will need to complete separate quests.
Players can buy cards PsyOps . events 2020 to unlock additional cards. Those who purchase the card will also receive additional quests. The number of cards earned at the end of a match will vary depending on the game mode and whether the player wins or loses.
Some rewards will be available for purchase with event cards. Just like previous events, players will be able to unlock icons, avatar frames, and themes for a limited time.
Players will also be able to unlock the premium version of PsyOps Ezreal during the event. This skin set costs 2,000 cards in the event store.
The event begins on August 3rd after the release of the first round of PsyOps skins. Players will be able to earn tokens until 1:59 a.m. CT on October 5 at the PsyOps event store. However, these cards won’t expire until two weeks later, meaning players will be able to use them until 3pm CT on October 20.
Source link: League of Legends: When will the PsyOps event end?
– Emergenceingames.com