League of Legends: Top 9 “cheat” skills that easily lure the opponent’s ultimate (P.2)

gamehub.vn top 9 ky nang lua dao 11 - Emergenceingame

5. Smoke Bombs Throw Darts – Akali

It’s a combination of Astral projection of Yone and Ekko’s Time Breakthrough, Akali’s Smoke Bomb combo is one of the extremely powerful combos that shape this champion’s gameplay. Has extremely high difficulty when it requires the calculation of timing, damage and energy just enough to assassinate the target and retreat before the Darts launch expires. This is considered the most difficult combo of an Akali player when plunging into danger but without a Smoke Bomb in hand.


With your signature paper blood quality assassin generals, Akali can very easily become a delicious bait for the opponent. But in the hands of highly skilled players, she can get in and out of combat reasonably and use herself as a bait to lure the opponent’s important moves. Therefore, using it reasonably and effectively or not depends a lot on your own ability.

6. Passive and Shapeshifting – Neeko

The last method is considered to be the most efficient as well as possible brain hack opponent but also bring safety to yourself is to use illusions as a decoy. In League of Legends One of the champions who is not a magician but does this better than anyone is Neeko.


Not only possessing the ability to split extremely hack brain in situations combat, she can also pretend to be another champion extremely easily thanks to her passive. With 2 similar ads like 2 drops of water in a teamfight, she can give enemy assassins a headache in finding a solution and sometimes even misses Neeko’s shadow.

7. Bird of prey – Wukong

Although he also possesses an extremely annoying ability to cast the ball, Wukong cannot control his shadow. But in return when using the Decoy, Wukong has the ability to become invisible for a moment so that he can escape or approach the enemy easily without using valuable tools like Flash. , etc…


Although he also possesses an extremely annoying ability to cast the ball, Wukong cannot control his shadow. But in return when using the Decoy, Wukong has the ability to become invisible for a moment so that he can escape or approach the enemy easily without using valuable tools like Flash. , etc…

8. Clone – Shaco

One of the most hated junglers in League of Legends and also possessing the ability to hack more brains than Te Thien Dai Thanh is the Devil Clown Shaco. True to its name, Shaco can cause the player to lose speed or all important moves with just a fake shadow of the player. Last hit.


More specifically, Shaco’s Clone is the only move where a champion can control his own shadow in the most natural way. Not only possessing an extremely annoying ultimate, Shaco can also make his pursuers hate when he can easily cross the terrain and use the Clown Box to intercept the opponent, causing them to be affected. panic and can’t do anything else. Possessing such an annoying gameplay, it is not difficult to understand why Shaco always becomes the focus for every attack and gradually becomes one of the generals with a skill set that inhibits players.

9. Shadows, Illusions – Leblanc

As a great magician of Noxus, Leblanc in League of Legends is also one of the champions with the ability to pull moves very well thanks to the tools in the skill set. Leblanc’s ability to cast Shadows and retreat in just a moment always surprises the opponent and sometimes uses errors of his own moves. Not only that, she can also combine with the ultimate and simulate once again her own moves.


Not only possessing the ability to stab and retreat of assassins, she also possesses the ability to be invisible for a period of time and then split into two. With a decoy clone that moves while on her own. Standing still, she can make the opponent focus their attention on the illusion and waste precious moves. That’s why Leblanc is considered one of the most capable champions cheat the best in the game true to the essence of the plot.​

Source link: League of Legends: Top 9 “cheat” skills that easily lure the opponent’s ultimate (P.2)
– Emergenceingames.com

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