League of Legends: Top 9 “cheat” skills that easily lure the opponent’s ultimate (P.1)

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1. Sheep Rescue – Kindred

One of the very easy ways to get the most important moves in the game combat The most effective total or PK phase is probably becoming Immortal. And no one in League of Legends can do this better than the messenger of death Kindred. As a taste generals In the jungle, Kindred always causes discomfort very early thanks to his skill set.


Except Last hit, Kindred also has a tool that allows her to shorten or dodge attacks from the opponent with Q. After completing the jungle phase, Kindred, pale or pale, can cause a lot of discomfort. for the opponent and become a great protector for AD in situations where thousands of pounds hang a hair. Not only can keep AD at a certain amount of health, Sheep of Life can also give them a large area of ​​​​heal after the end. However, this is also a double-edged sword because when used, both you and the opponent will be protected if standing in its impact area.

2. The God of Determination – Kayle

Like Kindred, Kayle also possesses a weapon called immortality that is extremely powerful and not too difficult to use like Kindred. With her ultimate, Kayle can designate herself or an ally to become invulnerable for a few seconds, then deal damage around in a circular radius.


Imagine in a chaotic teamfight and you as an assassin, you will have a lot of trouble choosing your target if Kayle’s ultimate is still in your body. Not only is it considered to be the hardcore opponent of the assassins in the game, Kayle with the God of Destiny also makes the frontline Gladiators invincible and can comfortably harass the enemy squad without worrying. worry about survival. Therefore, this is a very powerful tool that can make the opponent hesitate or waste in approaching you or your teammates.

3. Time Breakthrough – Ekko

Besides becoming immortal, we have a second method that is equally effective and enhances the player’s individual skills, which is the “dive deep and retreat” method. The second method is only for players with very high personal skills and champions who also possess a good jump.


The first name mentioned for this gameplay is Ekko’s famous ultimate called Time Break. Just like the two moves mentioned above Ekko you will not need a pale Ekko to do this, but most importantly, the ability to dodge moves as well as knowing when to stop yourself. As an Assassin, Ekko can dive deep into the enemy team, creating mutations before using his ultimate to retreat to a previous time and pretend nothing happened.

Because of its strengths, this is a very unique ultimate when it can become an insurance for Ekko’s life and also cause the opponent to use the move wastefully before dealing. painting. However, use it carefully because if you are shocked to death by the enemy, even 10 ultimate moves will not help you turn back time.

4. Astral projection – Yone

Having many similarities with Ekko’s ultimate, Yone is also a highly mobile champion with the ability to penetrate the enemy team thanks to the great tools in his kit. While in the spirit state, Yone can also increase his movement speed to reach the opponent more easily and if he finds the opponent is too overwhelming, this champion can reactivate the move to retreat to a certain position. easy way.


However, Yone’s Astralma has a fatal weakness when his body can only stand still for the duration of the effect. This can cause the opponent to capture Yone’s play when he is summoned back. But in general, this is also a very powerful move when it can become an extremely effective decoy to lure the opponent and make them waste important moves while you safely withdraw.

Source link: League of Legends: Top 9 “cheat” skills that easily lure the opponent’s ultimate (P.1)
– Emergenceingames.com

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