League of Legends: Top 5 strongest champions in One for All mode 2020

League of Legends: Top 5 strongest champions in One for All mode 2020

One for All mode will officially return in the next update version 10.6, and there will be a lot of interesting things waiting for us. In this article, bloggame.net will reveal to you the top 5 most powerful and interesting champions in One for All mode 2020, helping to bring you and your teammates matches. extremely interesting.

Since the most recent One for All (One for All) launch in March 2018 until now, League of Legends has had a lot of interesting changes, some old champions have been reworked, and There have been a lot of cool new generals. Players come to One for All mode not only because of the desire to win but also for interesting entertaining matches. And in this March, One For All mode will officially return in the next update version 10.6 with a lot of interesting things waiting. Let’s prepare for One for All 2020, Bloggame.net will reveal to you the top 5 strongest generals in One for All mode that will bring you and your teammates tournament matches. great mind.

1. Lux – Lady of Light

With the highest ban rate in One for All mode, it’s not surprising that Lux is at the top of this list. Possessing a skill set that not only causes extremely strong shock damage but is also very easy to use, along with the ability to poke blood is extremely annoying.

With the Q – Light Lock skill, it will be unfortunate for any enemy involved, because he will have to suffer an extremely humiliating ending that is … tied to death.

In normal matches, Lux is considered a fragile champion, but when she steps into this mode, she becomes extremely strong with W – Prism of Defense, which can create 5 times more. layering shields for himself and his teammates, making the lux much stronger, plus the ability to control hard, shock huge damage from afar, making Lux extremely domineering in this mode.

League of Legends: Top 5 strongest champions in One for All mode 2020

Even go to the Ancient Stone Platform to attack the enemy team

2. Brand – Flame of Revenge.

A special feature is that the Brands in One For All have the ability to extremely stun the husband. As long as one Brand inflicts a burn effect on an enemy, the other Brands can cast Q – Flame Track to stun that enemy, and sure enough, the enemy can only stand still and wait to die.

League of Legends: Top 5 strongest champions in One for All mode 2020

In teamfights, if the enemy team decides to stand side by side side by side, the fate of going to the board to count the number of them is inevitable, because just one skill R- Firestorm is enough to stagger the enemy team, and here are 5 Firestorms enough to burn everything.

3. Heimerdinger – Prominent Inventor

Heimerdinger is a champion that is not very well known in other modes, but when it comes to League of Legends One for All, it becomes extremely cool and interesting.

Q skill – Tan Tien Gun Empty H-28G, each Heimerdinger can place 3 Guns, and 5 Heimerdinger players can place 15 Gun Mounds at a time, they will make the enemy team’s turrets evaporate in an instant. And if it’s muddier, your team can place 20 Gun Mounds at once because of the R – Upgrade skill, which is really a nightmare for the enemy team.

Skill E – Electronic Storm Grenades CH-2 is also extremely powerful and domineering in this mode, as long as a Heimerdinger stuns the enemy, he will immediately have to eat 4 more Electron Storm Grenade more, only stunned to death

R skill – Upgrade!!!, this is one of the most powerful skills of heimerdinger that helps to increase the effect of the next skill, when the total combat depends on the circumstances that each Heimerdinger player can be in the same direction. R are different for best synergies. However, Heimerdinger will have a harder time facing Lux, Ziggs, Vel’Koz, so when deciding to bring Heimerdinger into this mode, you should also consider banning these champions.

League of Legends: Top 5 strongest champions in One for All mode 2020

4. Yasuo – The Unforgiving One

Although Yasuo is a difficult champion, requires players to have high skills, but it is also worth trying in this One for All mode. Yasuo’s W – Wind Wall is inherently powerful and annoying, in One for All mode the enemy will have to face 5 wind walls, and if they are built in a good way, try asking if there are still Which Gunner or Mage has a door?

League of Legends: Top 5 strongest champions in One for All mode 2020

More specifically, as long as one Yasuo uses Q – Sword Storm to knock up an enemy, all 5 Yasuo can immediately rush into R – Terror, causing the enemy to die in the air without having time to touch the ground.


Truly a nightmare

5. Morganna – Fallen Angel

Equally annoying with Lux, with the Q – Shadow Lock skill, it can immobilize the enemy’s feet for a long time, so the enemy only needs to accidentally get the first tie, they will definitely receive 4 more consecutive bindings. continue, and can only let go of the mouse and wait to die.

Although I tried very hard, but one mistake is the end of the running

The skill W – Black Shield is also extremely useful when confronting the enemy team that is a Mage general, but it is a bit disadvantageous if the enemy team is a Gunner squad.

League of Legends: Top 5 strongest generals in One for All mode 2020

Above is a list of the top 5 strongest generals in One for All mode that will bring you and your teammates extremely interesting and relaxing matches. Try it out in One For All mode this time.

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* Create stunning online League of Legends visual effects

Source link: League of Legends: Top 5 strongest champions in One for All mode 2020
– Emergenceingames.com

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