League of Legends: Top 5 Mid lane champions that gamers can’t ignore in version 10.16

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first. Yasuo


The one who has never disappointed players as a champion has a player rate of up to 11% and a win rate of 51%. Renowned as a super slick and magical general, Yasuo has potential in him outplay very big. In addition, with the amount of damage that cannot be underestimated, this general is completely capable of hacking the opponent’s brain. In patch 10.16, Yasuo was also buffed with base magic resistance increased from 30 to 32, base damage of his ultimate increased from 200/300/400 to 200/350/500. Therefore, if Yasuo is not green, just working hard to plow the farm, this is still a champion with the ability to carry the team extremely well.

2. Akali


Although Akali may not be as strong as previous seasons, she is also gradually showing her effects thanks to the Riot Games slight buff in 10.16. Specifically, the Q skill has the base damage increased from 30/55/80/105/130 to 35/60/85/110/135, and the E skill will change from physical damage to magic damage. Therefore, once the player has mastered this champion’s skill set, Akali’s outplay potential is almost limitless. The damage from this general is very large as well as the move does not consume energy, just dodging hard controls, Akali can completely slaughter the entire enemy squad.

Currently in Korean serverAkali is having a pick rate of 10% and a win rate of 50%.

3. Zed


Zed is a champion that possesses a pretty good lane, but of course players will need to practice a lot to be able to take advantage of this champion’s power. Zed’s Sharp Dart has a high amount of damage early in the game, plus it only consumes energy so Zed can use it to poke enemies. As long as the opponent is not alert, Zed can use the Shadow Clone to charge and make them pay immediately. Currently in KoreaZed’s win rate is 50% and pick rate is up to 14%.

4. Galio


Since Galio was modified and can’t use combos (W + Flash), this champion has reduced his hotness a lot. However, with his strong champion quality, Galio still stands firmly in meta for a long time. Especially when reaching level 6, Galio’s ultimate will help teammates play more confidently, ready to fight because Galio can support at any time. Even when this card is combined with a number jungle champion has the ability to reach and control a large area as strong as Wukong, Jarvan IV the fighting would be even more terrifying.

5. Kassadin


In regime ratings, the ability to roam and control the map is increasingly important as the 2020 season is entering a pivotal phase. In terms of roaming, there is no champion that does better than Kassadin. Extremely high damage as well as perfect escape ability makes this general able to destroy the enemy’s backline champions and come back to protect himself. So it’s not too difficult to understand when Kassadin is having a pick rate of 7% and a win rate of up to 52% in server Korea.​

Source link: League of Legends: Top 5 Mid lane champions that gamers can’t ignore in version 10.16
– Emergenceingames.com

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