League of Legends: Top 3 best generals to counter Sett, most suitable for feeding Sett.

League of Legends: Top 3 best generals to counter Sett, most suitable for feeding Sett.

Instructions on how to effectively counter Sett with the top 3 champions against hard Sett, can give Sett a full meal in the top lane position. The generals who counter Sett will help you to easily win this “Jiang Ho Xin” name easily.

At the present time, when Sett is dominating in the upper school position, with the fact that most of the Gladiators have made many brothers feel uncomfortable when they have to face this “Genuine Gypsy” guy. However, there are still names and generals that he will have to fear for a spell.

1. Renekton

At the top of the list of champions against Sett is Renekton, originally due to Renekton’s W – Ruthless Predator when enhanced will destroy all of the target’s shields, which causes Sett to be reduced loses half of his power against Renekton, as Sett’s greatest strength lies in the huge shields from his W – Beast Fist that deal 50% of his dark health.

League of Legends: Top 3 best generals to counter Sett, most suitable for feeding Sett.

And with a win rate of only 47.74% when Sett faced Renekton, it proved that Renekton is an effective champion against Sett in the top lane.

2. Teemo

When faced with Teemo, this is indeed a bad thing for Sett. Sett will be almost unable to reach this agile ferret, given that Teemo’s running speed is already very good, combined with the ability to blind the target from the ability Q – Blind Darts makes basic attacks of Sett becomes useless, making it less important for Sett to defeat Teemo and end up with a 48% win rate.

League of Legends: Top 3 best generals to counter Sett, most suitable for feeding Sett.

3. Kayle

One of the generals that Sett – This “Gorgeous Ho” guy is most afraid of when he has to be bored. The proof is that through the statistics of Op.gg, Sett’s win rate against Kle is only 39.94%.

League of Legends: Top 3 best generals to counter Sett, most suitable for feeding Sett.

The modest win rate above is also understandable, when Sett’s strongest point is melee combat and close to the target, but when faced with Kayle, a champion has a very strong play. It’s safe to farm to wait until level 6. And becoming a ranged champion makes it even harder for Sett to reach Kayle, making it easy for Kayle to gain strength quickly thanks to farming minions, and in the end, the number 39.94% win rate says it all.

Therefore, Kayle is a champion to counter Sett hard when falling into the hands of an experienced player.

Above is a list of the top 3 generals that effectively counter Sett in the top lane position, so you can easily defeat this “Gorgeous Ho” guy. And in addition, we can also use other pretty useful cards like Mordekaiser, Ornn to counter Sett.

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Source link: League of Legends: Top 3 best generals to counter Sett, most suitable for feeding Sett.
– Emergenceingames.com

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