League of Legends ranking mechanism 2019 season

co che xep hang lien minh huyen thoai mua giai 2019 640 - Emergenceingame

A new season is about to begin, recently the publisher Riot Games said there will be more appropriate changes for players in the way the 9th season climb ranking is calculated when participating in the game MOBA League of Legends. The calculation of points and rank rank for the new season as well as there will be two more new ranks appearing: Iron Doan and Dai Cao Thu. There will also be a slight change in the ranking method: Accordingly, players ranked with Platinum or below will not automatically downgrade when they stop playing for a long period of time. Below will be details of the new points in the League of Legends season 9 ranking mechanism invite everyone to consult.

League of Legends ranking mechanism 2019 season

Ranking changes – climb season 9 League of Legends

1. Players with Platinum rating or below will not automatically downgrade when they stop playing for an extended period of time.

2. The automatic ranking drop will only apply to players with Diamond rating or higher:

  • After 28 days of not participating in rank, the system will automatically deduct ranking points of these players.
  • Every subsequent day, the rank will continue to be deducted until the player returns to rank.

3. Players at Master and Challenger ranks will be assigned a separate number of matches. Players can keep up to 10 ranking matches with each daily elimination game. If DNG reaches zero, the player will lose DNG until the game starts again.


  • Rank High Player or above when losing 10 consecutive matches will be dropped directly to Diamond.
  • DNG is tournament group points, players lose points or gain points when they lose / win in a ranked match.

4. Rank will have a total of 4 steps in each rank, and each rank has 100 DNG to enter the chain match at that rank as normal. DNG points will be dropped when a player is denounced by a teammate or opponent, but will gain points when honored (excluding squads).

5. Along with the increase or decrease in rank after each game screen will also affect the Honor level – this change to reduce cheating while playing.

6. Ranking points will also have priorities given to players who have been misplaced, have to play in an undesirable position: For example, the player looking for Top Lane but is placed in Support, then each A match won when playing the wrong position will also be awarded with DNG points, in order to recognize the player’s efforts to play against the forte.

Ranking changes - climb season 9 League of Legends

In addition, Riot also warns:

“Ranking by position not only works on the basis of plus – minus the machine points above, but it also actually monitors the player’s progress. For example, the top laner, and when duo rank with When a friend specializes in the support position, when participating in the competition, both of them intentionally switch positions and are detected, the plus – minus points will still count directly to the ranking score in their correct position like the system. split and no plus – minus bonus points like when the actual Auto-fill Note to players that the system will place players in matches that are higher than their actual ranks. “

Game League of Legends takes Diamond ranking to apply rank addition – subtraction with the aim of enhancing the competitiveness of players with high rank. Hopefully these changes will bring positive signals to the League of Legends season in 2019.

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Source link: League of Legends ranking mechanism 2019 season
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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